Well I've just listened to the new Dragonforce "Inhuman Rampage" and have to say that I enjoy it. And before you disagree just hear me out.
#1. I like power metal
#2. I like speed metal
#3. It doesn't have to be original for me to like it.
The only thing I'm not too crazy about is that (just like Sonic Firestorm) most of the songs sound alike, but to me that isn't necessarily bad. Guess I just like to escape to Dragonforceland now and then and go with the flow. I didn't expect some new amazingly different but still great thing from them anyway, and bottom line is that if they DID play PP7, it would definately be an amazing show. That's where they seem to shine, judging by the live video footage out there. OK, so now you can either agree or burn me at the stake, so have at it ha ha.

#1. I like power metal
#2. I like speed metal
#3. It doesn't have to be original for me to like it.
The only thing I'm not too crazy about is that (just like Sonic Firestorm) most of the songs sound alike, but to me that isn't necessarily bad. Guess I just like to escape to Dragonforceland now and then and go with the flow. I didn't expect some new amazingly different but still great thing from them anyway, and bottom line is that if they DID play PP7, it would definately be an amazing show. That's where they seem to shine, judging by the live video footage out there. OK, so now you can either agree or burn me at the stake, so have at it ha ha.