New Dream Theater Video Online

I too was not expecting much this time around, I was so disappointed with SC. I'm a happy fan girl once again!

The first time I heard this song I was wondering what was up with that chorus. I think it's the weakest part of the song, almost ruins it for me. Also part of my issue is that it sounds like Forsaken off SC. The rest of the song does kick ass so I'm sure I'll get over it. It's already grown on me. :loco:

I'm also glad to hear that Mike is getting a handle on his backing vocals...I think this is the best he has ever sounded.
I am shocked! It is good to see this from them. I can only hope the rest of this disc holds up. I have not cared to much for anything they have done for awhile now, this on the other hand was very good.:devil:
I actually really like chorus on this song. However, I wish the music video didn't cut out a good chunk of the solo section >.< I wanted to see Jordan tear it up!
I've held out hearing the new one waiting for the album.

This being the first tune I am hearing.,... I'm optimistically (word?!) excited! I really liked this one, had some grit and bite to it and not overly foo-foo like I've thought many of the past albums have been (for me). So far so good... (and yeah, Portnoy needs to back seat it a bit more on the singing stuff, ok, you're singing backup, we get it, don't take such a spotlight with it dude!).
(and yeah, Portnoy needs to back seat it a bit more on the singing stuff, ok, you're singing backup, we get it, don't take such a spotlight with it dude!).

No, he needs to not open his mouth altogether. I cringed in the chorus upon hearing his vocals.

The song itself is quite cool and the 2nd part of the Petrucci solo (which isnt in the video) is mind boggling.
I'm a long time DT fan, but have been disappointed with the last few releases. That being said, I am really impressed with Black Clouds! The melody is back, LaBrie is singing within his range, and Petrucci and Portnoy (minus the vocals) are amazing as usual!! A solid 8 out of 10 for me. :kickass:
I think this is likely going to be the opposite of Systematic Chaos when it comes to people digging it more. They changed the sound back to follow older records so you get some influences from SFAM and Falling Into Infinity thrown around here. There also homages to other bands like Opeth, Rush, and of course Metallica on here. And we all know how DT doesn't shy away from hiding its influences when it comes to post-SFAM material.

Personally, I don't think it treads any new ground. The first song feels like an Opeth ripoff. And the single is probably the best sounding track on the album which isn't saying much since there were even better songs on Systematic Chaos. I'm probably in the minority when I say that. The big epic, Count of Tuscany, also has a heavy Scenes vibe to it.