
Jul 12, 2005
Seattle, WA
The new DT single, "On The Backs Of Angels", to be released tomorrow (6/29) at 11 a.m.


PS - is it just me, or is Petrucci getting "wider"? I wonder if that's why Mike is making that hand gesture in this pic... :p
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FYI - the new song is up! :)

I love the cover artwork, and I'm totally digging the song so far!

Ugg... spoke too soon. :lol: Big letdown for me. I really hope this is one of the few (or only) slower filler songs on the album. My biggest complaint is John's rhythm guitar work. Sounds totally uninspired and no real cool riffs at all. The solo was pretty cool though. I just wish John would set aside his ego for one album, and that they would experiment with having 2 guitarists. I think Marco Sfogli did an amazing job on James' "Static Impulse" solo album and wrote some pretty cool riffs and solos. I think having someone else to bounce guitar ideas off of would only fuel their creativity. Just seems like Petrucci has been stuck in a rut for 12 years.
Hm, listened to it for 3 times now...and well: Boring as fuck.... sorry. The overall performance ist just fucking boring. There´s no tension, nothing. Labrie´s vocals on this song...dunno....boring as hell..... and since the whole song is kinda boring: one more "boring" from me.

Or maybe i just dont get it?!
Hmm dunno, I actual like it a bit.
Step up from some of the other late DT stuff IMO.

James labrie seems to be more in his safe comfort zone, but I would have liked some higher notes in the chorus and so on.
I loved it...maybe from a song writing perspective it sounded more concise and that they knew where they were going with it. It wasn't a wank fest. I'll have to pay attention more to the performance aspect.

Anyone else think the OH Cymbals are a bit low?
Pretty boring IMO. Petrucci's drum parts (he wrote them for the whole album and sent them to Mangini to learn) were very generic and uninspired.:bah:

On the positive side, Myung is actually audible again and isn't slavishly copying the rhythm guitar!:Spin: