just listened to it for the first time. first thing I noticed is that the bass is unusually loud for dream theater productions i.e. it cuts more (more clank etc).
can't judge the quality of the song upon first listening though. will play it again.
I agree with 90% of the posts. This is VERY generic and uninspired. No dynamics its just kind of floats along and is very boring. Boring riffs, boring drums, boring vocals, and jordans parts are just filler.

Not excited at all. I had really hoped that getting rid of the dictator would breathe some life into the band it clearly hasnt. Its like Johns solo CD. Very uninspired and just kind of "there".

I think Ill go listen to Images and Words and keep hoping they wake the fuck up.
you know i hear how it can be a bit boring sometimes, but the main thing for me is that at least they are "trying" to stand out or be this cool modern metal band where they just look like tools like basically what systematic chaos was which i think sucked. bcsl was ok in the sense that it was a bit more "prog" but again it seemed forced.

this song isn't amazing, but it sounds more like they naturally did in the 90s and its a very "safe" song like politically. you can't say its a bad songs. it sounds like a b side song from a 90s album.
I think it sounds great. Much more like their older/mid era stuff than the last releases. You can here Mike Portnoy's departure most in the vocals I think. None of the talky, rhythmic style that plagued their last few releases and James is back to stuff he's more comfortable with.

Bass and keys are nice and prominent in the mix too. Looking forward to hearing the rest of the songs.
I'd have to agree with a lot of what's been said here already. The song does seem to be lacking some dynamics. I'm also wondering if this is the finished product we're hearing? (as far as mix and mastering are concerned) I look forward to hearing the actual CD copy. Why they don't go the Soundcloud route and let us hear a better quality file is beyond me!

But I must say that I like the direction of this song better than the heavier stuff they tried their hand at for the last couple albums. I almost hear some stuff reminiscent of Liquid Tension Experiment, esp. that solo at 3:42. As long as Labrie stays out of aggressive vocal territory, this album will be better than their previous two, haha!
I don't think it's that bad at all, like it more then 80% of the songs from the last 2-3 albums.
I miss a bit of excitement in that song...I wouldnt say its boring but very safe.
For the album I hope that this is one of the weaker songs tho..
I could never judge an album of them by the first song that came out.
IMO the drum song writing sounds like portnoy so I dont know what some of you complain about.
If the rest of the album sounds like that then I'm really sure that they should take some time off to recharge and get some new inspiration.

There hasn't been an "images and words" since "images and words" and thats 20 years ago where they didnt do it, so I dunno why a lot of people expect an I&W part would be cool for sure but I dont expect it to come.
If the rest of the album sounds like that then I'm really sure that they should take some time off to recharge and get some new inspiration.

Don't know man ... if they haven't gotten enough new inspiration from the simple fact that they have a new drummer and some shit to prove, I don't think there's much else waiting over the horizon

that being said, I don't think its a bad song. It IS very safe and if you told me Portnoy played on this I would believe it but aside from that it does remind of some of the older stuff in places. I'm gonna assume this is a "safe" song to release 1st so people don't think they've lost all the core elements that make them Dream Theater

We'll see when the cd is released. I'm hoping for something cool and so far I'm not actually disappointed, just curious
This is VERY generic and uninspired. No dynamics its just kind of floats along and is very boring.


I like how prolific they are, but everytime I see that the new song have more than 8 minutes I just roll my eyes in disdain :rolleyes:

"Overture 1928" has only 3 minutes and is so much better than anything DT wrote after 6 degrees.
It certainly doesn't sound like a "dramatic turn of events" at all, I have to agree at first listen it's pretty boring, the intro reminds me of pull me under and the rest has a very six degrees feel specially cause of the keyboards IMO. As many said, I hope this is one of the weakest of the album. I love dream theater and love everything they've put out, but this song does nothing for me so far
This was a disappointment. Sounds more like a "boring turn of events". Well, at least there was not low B chugging at all in this song.

+1, nothing exciting at all. Was hoping for something more... oh well par for the course these days for DT
The song really lacks a good chorus. If they'd removed the phrasing on "Burning me, lead me like _ __ to the slaughter." and done something far more memorable I think it would been a pretty good song. Ah well, it's too late for my highly valued expertise anyway...