the drums are kind of buried.


I'm loving the song, actually. I just want to hear the drums more! John's guitar tone is epic. I honestly think this is the best song they've released in over a decade. It sounds like Dream Theater, and that is reason enough for me to be amped for this release.
It's not so much the music, its the vocals - they are a total fail on this, it sounds like he is singing while thinking about picking up his dry cleaning, he's completely disconnected from the emotion or feeling and the rest of the band cant compensate for his appalling a producer let this through is beyond me
It's not so much the music, its the vocals - they are a total fail on this, it sounds like he is singing while thinking about picking up his dry cleaning, he's completely disconnected from the emotion or feeling and the rest of the band cant compensate for his appalling a producer let this through is beyond me

Well, the band hasn't used outside producers for a long time.
Funny how when the band stopped using outside producers and started producing their own music that it started to go to shit
The more and more I listen to this the more I'm really liking it. To me, it's the best Dream Theater since Scenes From A Memory. Albeit John's riffs aren't exactly inspired and very generic, the overall atmosphere of all the instruments really does create an enjoyable song, and is quite reminiscent of the kind of vibe earlier DT albums provided. I can't wait to hear more!
Funny how when the band stopped using outside producers and started producing their own music that it started to go to shit

Haha, never thought of it that way but I totally agree. Scenes From A Memory (as far as I know) was their last album with an outside guy involved, and ever since their albums have been getting heavier and their detriment. Now that MP's out and I hear the new track, I'm beginning to wonder if he was the one pushing the band towards the heavy stuff. Don't get me wrong, I still have liked every album they've put out. But their bread and butter, in my eyes, is more of a balance between rock and metal. And this new track seems to be going in that direction. So I'm stoked for the new album. :kickass:
I think Portnoy was going through a mid-life crisis and doing everything he could to try and sound like and appeal to young 15+ bands and kids.
I don't get how some of you guys say it's much better than anything they did on the last 3-4 albums... To me it sounds like it could be a track from "black clouds", only it's even more boring.
I've listened to the song 3 times now and absolutely nothing stood out from it or stuck with me, not one riff and not one melody.
I don't get how some of you guys say it's much better than anything they did on the last 3-4 albums... To me it sounds like it could be a track from "black clouds", only it's even more boring.
I've listened to the song 3 times now and absolutely nothing stood out from it or stuck with me, not one riff and not one melody.

+ 100000
I don't get how some of you guys say it's much better than anything they did on the last 3-4 albums... To me it sounds like it could be a track from "black clouds", only it's even more boring.
I've listened to the song 3 times now and absolutely nothing stood out from it or stuck with me, not one riff and not one melody.

The thing that bugs me is: TOO MANY FUCKING NOTES. Even for Dream Theater. Do they have to prove themselves as amazing musicians in every second of the songs? No. Before: Less virtuose, more songwriting. Now: wanking everywhere, songwriting is in second place. Bummer...
Scenes was their first self-produced CD and I honestly don't know what "wanking" and flurry of notes you're talking about in this song. I thought it was quite restrained. If you listen to Pull Me Under, its about on part with that in terms of what they're doing...
i mean i HATED the direction DT were going in systematic chaos and BCSL..

i thought octavarium was AMAZING and train of thought was really awesome also. this is coming from someone who loves old DT and awake is my fav album but i really think they tastefully experimented with octavarium and TOT but they took it too far and got really cheesy with the last two albums... it was too fake and pathetic attempt at being cool and "metal"

train of thoguht was heavy but it was ery genuine it was them saying "hey lets write a heavy album" and it sounded like dream theater making a heavy album. SC on the other hand was dream theater TRYING to be a modern heavy band. even their whole image changed into like dudes going through a midlife crisis, all of them, not just portnoy. they dressed differently, all urban outfittersish with "trendy" clothing and trendy haircuts and JP became the predator. it was like ridiculous a little. and you know waht, i'm not just talking shit, they are my favorite band ever, but its like enough already.

this song is ok its pretty cool i mean kinda bland but its a safe song, hopefully the rest of the album is better.
Scenes was their first self-produced CD and I honestly don't know what "wanking" and flurry of notes you're talking about in this song. I thought it was quite restrained. If you listen to Pull Me Under, its about on part with that in terms of what they're doing...

Ah... I think I am just frustrated now and failing to express myself. I'll shut the fuck up and wait for the album.

I'm loving the song, actually. I just want to hear the drums more! John's guitar tone is epic. I honestly think this is the best song they've released in over a decade. It sounds like Dream Theater, and that is reason enough for me to be amped for this release.

I'm with Kazrog on this one - to me it "sounds" like Dream Theater; not Dream Theater trying to be the hip "modern metal" band they tried to be on several of their recent releases. This song, both in writing and in sound reminds me much more of older DT. So - at least for me, I'm looking forward to the whole album.
Guys, try to remember this will be one of their most "radio-sounding" song.

They always released sounds like that as singles, but albums usually were mindblowing. For one, I enjoyed the song, mostly because I'm a fan, but also because how it sounded. I know they are trying to be more "modern", but I can count on them for releasing incredible progressive stuff.

Just take the last album for example, "Wither" or "A Rite of Passage" were the singles. But God damnit, the rest of the album was very good. Especially "The Count of Tuscany".
I'm with Kazrog on this one - to me it "sounds" like Dream Theater; not Dream Theater trying to be the hip "modern metal" band they tried to be on several of their recent releases. This song, both in writing and in sound reminds me much more of older DT. So - at least for me, I'm looking forward to the whole album.

Exactly, I mean, it's not the most exciting song in the world, it's not like "Under A Glass Moon" or anything, but it sounds like them. They haven't really sounded like Dream Theater in a long time - in fact I thought James LaBrie's latest solo outing sounded more like Dream Theater than Dream Theater has in a decade. Still loving it.

I still feel that the first two DT records with LaBrie on vocals are an absolute pinnacle in metal, untouched by almost anyone. They had ninja superpowers in those years beyond other bands.
Exactly, I mean, it's not the most exciting song in the world, it's not like "Under A Glass Moon" or anything, but it sounds like them. They haven't really sounded like Dream Theater in a long time - in fact I thought James LaBrie's latest solo outing sounded more like Dream Theater than Dream Theater has in a decade. Still loving it.

I still feel that the first two DT records with LaBrie on vocals are an absolute pinnacle in metal, untouched by almost anyone. They had ninja superpowers in those years beyond other bands.

This. All this!
i think Six DegreesOt and Metropolo pt2 was just as good as the 2 first albums, not the same but just as good. Last album sucked, in comparison.
And james Labrie are a very bad singer these days, that is kind of sad because he is like the biggest inspiration to me :S