I really liked the acoustic guitar intro. im a dreamn theater fan but i didnt like that song much otherwise (though i didnt listen to it much). The best singting of Labrie for me was in the song "a change of seasons", This guy can be awesome but didnt really like it in the last few albums when he was given the role of some more brutal singing! in that song i dono because i always listen to the music first then if that's good ill listen to the whole thing and if the singing is on par it becomes a real winner. Didnt get to the second part this time. But that doesnt mean i wont like the album as they do songs that are rather different in the same album.

It seems to me he modified his solo sound a bit? appears cleaner but so much less expressive.. The drummer sounds just like Portnoy.. Weird since Mangini doesnt usually sound the same.
Exactly, I mean, it's not the most exciting song in the world, it's not like "Under A Glass Moon" or anything, but it sounds like them. They haven't really sounded like Dream Theater in a long time - in fact I thought James LaBrie's latest solo outing sounded more like Dream Theater than Dream Theater has in a decade. Still loving it..


The song sounded very organic and "true". It had a natural flow in it and I didn't feel that any parts were "shoved" in there.

Loving it! Giving me the genuine DT chills listening to it!


So anyone else checked out the snippets they have been posting ?

Breaking all Illusions -

This is your life -

beneth the surface -

Dont know about you guys but im starting to feel a little hype for this album.. Seems like they have finally dropped the whole tough metal act (which I think was MPs doing tbh) and instead going more soft again.

Some of the synths and instruments give me a very Ayreon feel.. and tbh James labrie sounds better then ever :popcorn:

So anyone else checked out the snippets they have been posting ?

Breaking all Illusions -

This is your life -

beneth the surface -

Dont know about you guys but im starting to feel a little hype for this album.. Seems like they have finally dropped the whole tough metal act (which I think was MPs doing tbh) and instead going more soft again.

Some of the synths and instruments give me a very Ayreon feel.. and tbh James labrie sounds better then ever :popcorn:

Whoa, thanks for the links and bump! I almost forgot about this. Haha. And I had no idea they've been releasing little snippets. I agree, James' vocals sound awesome. Up until now, I thought his "Static Impulse" album was the best thing he's done since DT's "Scenes from a memory". :lol: But these short clips sound promising.

Although, I'm still a bit disappointed that Mike (Mangini) wasn't involved in the songwriting process. I wonder if it would have actually come out better having a set of fresh eyes and ears give musical input. I just hope they keep him long enough for another album after this one so we can see how it comes out with him being involved.
Gotta agree about LaBrie´s vocals, they sound muuuch better in a softer tone. Breaking all Illusions looks promising, I got a Metropolis Pt1 feel from the snippet.
Not into these guys nearly as much as I used to be, but these clips sound really promising. Sounds like the band is hungry again and has something to prove. Losing an integral band member can do that and I think it's probably a good thing for these guys.
I do see some of the old stuff in it, but it´s not like an Images and Words II for me, in fact I wouldn´t like that album. I do really like these samples, I think even more than the first full track they released so I have high hopes. But I don´t think I´ve disliked any DT album so far so who am I to say?
In case you guys didn't know the album started "floating around" the internet a couple of days ago.

I started listening to it with low expectations and stopped it half way through cause I was bored and disappointed. As expected from all the samples that were posted on youtube until now, it sounded really uninspired, like they just recorded the first riff/melody that came to mind so they can by done with it as soon as possible. Production wise it's nothing special, I really like the guitar tone, except that it sounds quite muffled to my ears. I'll get around to listening to the rest of it, I don't see that helping change my mind though.

I'm starting to think Portnoy was right to suggest that the band should take a long break.
The mix really sucks in this album to the point where you can't enjoy the songs throughly. It's not that they need a break, it is clear that they've still 'got it' but they need to canalize their energy to use it in some other form, in other words, they need a fuckin' producer..
The mix really sucks in this album to the point where you can't enjoy the songs throughly. It's not that they need a break, it is clear that they've still 'got it' but they need to canalize their energy to use it in some other form, in other words, they need a fuckin' producer..

I'm just listening to the teasers on laptop speakers, what exactly is wrong with it? Sounds good to me o_O
I see nothing wrong with the mix, nothing special either. I admit I couldn't resist when it leaked, fuck it's in 320kbps... I love it. Honestly, at one listen I think it's the best they've done in years, I don't think it's "uninspired", on the contrary, but of course it's all opinion.

Fucking +1

Does one get punished by the metal gods if someone dld the leaked version?

On a side note, the new Opeth album is fucking awesome.
To me, the mix is hit or miss from what I've heard, On one track, Petrucci will be buried and have literally no high end to his tone at all, almost making him difficult to hear in the mix. Then on other songs, his tone sounds great and full and there is a better overall mix. There isn't just one guitar tone or one overall mix on this album.

These guys did bring it on this album although. Maybe not a complete return to Images and Words, but they made a really nice effort, and I love the new direction not to mention Mike Mangini as a permanent addition to the group. I'm interested to hear what will come from him collaborating on the next album instead of him just being a studio drummer for this album. Labrie sounds as good as on his solo albums. Overall, this is a great album with true roots from Dream Theater's highly progressive past. I think the overall album could have benifited from an overall better mix although - for instance Iconoclast.