Yes im dead serious. He sounds good as long as he don't go above G, then he open his vowels and gets flat, if you can't hear that then you need to improve your hearing. He has also lost the quality of his signature tone. The ease of the high notes and the natural compression he in his voice had until Train of thought. I think he sounded awesome on Metropolis pt2 and SdoT, which just sounded like a more mature Labrie, then he kept his vowels closed in a nice way so he stayed in pitch, and i love the vocals on those 2 albums. But after that it all went downhill. He butchered In the name of God which is an awesome song except his vocals. I can go on and on..

The last time he vowed me was in Chaos in motion on In the presence of eneymys pt2. when he glides from headvoice to chest which was really cool. So some thing he for sure developed these last years but still he us just a shadow of what he once where.

I understand what you're saying, and hear what you're talking about as well. I also know he's not as good as he used to be in the 90's or on Six Degrees, but I still think his newest solo album and this newest DT release features some of his best vocals he's done in years. My comments didn't mean that I think he is just as good as he used to be, but rather he has improved immensely over their last few albums.

I'm not a Labria d-rider, but to say he's the sole cause of their musical degradation just seems a bit shortsighted or narrow-minded. On older DT albums, I used to be constantly wowed by Petrucci's guitar riffs, solos, ... chord voicings. The keyboard/piano parts were inspiring and very melodic. The drums were natural feeling and everything seemed to 'click' together in the mix. But on their last few albums it just doesn't seem like that spark is still there musically for any of them. I was hoping that Menghini being in the band would help re-fuel their fire, and it sounds like a very good attempt. Is it IWaW2? No. But it does have a more musical and prog. feel to it than other stuff they've done lately. While Labrie's vocals aren't as good as they used to be, he has improved on what he's done in the last 7 years or so. I can't say that about Rudess, or Petrucci, as all their parts sound bland, uninspired, and boring. HOWEVER, I do enjoy quite a bit of John's playing on their new album, but the vocals are the catalyst for me as to what makes this new album good.
My problem with DT isn't their song such. I could do without the virtuoso noodling stuff. But my main problem stems from two things: Jordan's choice of sounds, many of the times (actually, I'm just not a big fan of Jordan all together)...and foremost...the atrocious production values. When I say I basically want another Images & Words or at the very least another Awake...I'm referring to the production and mix. At the VERY LEAST, give me something as good sounding as James' last solo album! I know everyone has different tastes in production/mixes, but that's just mine. I prefer really polished productions. That's not to say I can't listen to or appreciate their other works. I can find things I like about most of their albums, including this new one, but they will never satisfy me the way Images and Words because it's not a sonic pleasure for me to listen to. That's just me.

Big +1 to this.
I understand what you're saying, and hear what you're talking about as well. I also know he's not as good as he used to be in the 90's or on Six Degrees, but I still think his newest solo album and this newest DT release features some of his best vocals he's done in years. My comments didn't mean that I think he is just as good as he used to be, but rather he has improved immensely over their last few albums.

I'm not a Labria d-rider, but to say he's the sole cause of their musical degradation just seems a bit shortsighted or narrow-minded. On older DT albums, I used to be constantly wowed by Petrucci's guitar riffs, solos, ... chord voicings. The keyboard/piano parts were inspiring and very melodic. The drums were natural feeling and everything seemed to 'click' together in the mix. But on their last few albums it just doesn't seem like that spark is still there musically for any of them. I was hoping that Menghini being in the band would help re-fuel their fire, and it sounds like a very good attempt. Is it IWaW2? No. But it does have a more musical and prog. feel to it than other stuff they've done lately. While Labrie's vocals aren't as good as they used to be, he has improved on what he's done in the last 7 years or so. I can't say that about Rudess, or Petrucci, as all their parts sound bland, uninspired, and boring. HOWEVER, I do enjoy quite a bit of John's playing on their new album, but the vocals are the catalyst for me as to what makes this new album good.

haha i think we are on the exact same page regarding DT. I totally agree and I actually had a conversation with a friend of mine regarding the same issues about their songwriting the other day.
They have squeezed out a few good songs these last years but as you said the spark seems to be gone. But i still have hope for them to do a really really great album. Track 8 on the new album has got a bit of the old time feel of DT, really enjoyed that one.

But i also think that Labrie is crippling the way Petrucci and Co are writing vocal melodies because of Labries diminished range. If he would have retained the range of SdoT he would have been an awesome singer, which he is not these days, even though he sings better then he have been in years as you said.

btw. Is anyone else hearing that Mangini seems to be a bit off from time to time? Especially on the easier parts (simple 4/4 etc) He is still an outstanding drummer but i still rate Portnoy higher after hearing this album.
Absolutely loving this album. Very enjoyable from start to finish and all members are at the top of their game on this one. Album of the year for me!
I read a very funny "review" (not really) about this album, had me lauging my ass off

Portnoy responded by starting a side project with Bruce Dickenson, Rob Halford, James Hetfeld, and Geoff Tate. “I've always wanted to work with these guys and all their bands suck now, so it seemed like the right time.” The new project, titled simply “5” will feature no instrumentation, only unison vocals.
I think, the album is really, really good! Okay i´m disapointed about the drum sound, seriously. And I HATE the ride cymbal! Though as an Iron Maiden fan I´m used to much more disapointentment sound wise ;) I wouldn´t say the new DT sounds like a catastrophe - it doesn´t prevent the listening experience for me.

Build me up, break me down & Bridges in the Sky I LOVE THOSE SONGS! My faves since the last two tracks on Octavarium :notworthy
seriously these are the loudest guitars ever. it's pretty much keeping me from listening to it. i think aw forgot to hit "read" on the faders during mixdown and they were left on a high level throughout lol.

that's the only explanation i can think of.
seriously these are the loudest guitars ever. it's pretty much keeping me from listening to it. i think aw forgot to hit "read" on the faders during mixdown and they were left on a high level throughout lol.

that's the only explanation i can think of.


I have just listen in my car but it sounds good. You can hear all instruments pretty clear although i don't like the mix in general, could be a bit more punchy.
You can even hear that awful gobble from the bass haha

I have just listen in my car but it sounds good. You can hear all instruments pretty clear although i don't like the mix in general, could be a bit more punchy.
You can even hear that awful gobble from the bass haha

My car is my favorite place to listen to music for enjoyment purposes as well (aside for the rare occasion where a darkened room and a set of quality headphones are the atmosphere I'm shooting for :) ) and I think this album sounds great in that environment - I don't find the guitars overpowering and aside from a few qualms with some of the drum mix, I think it's pretty damned good sounding. I like the fact that Petrucci is not going for a sound we've become over saturated to (no pun intended), and given the other instrumentation I'm pretty happy with the outcome. As always individual mileage may vary.
Shame shame shame. This may be the last DT album I bother buying.
Great GREAT songs ruined by the irrelevant, mindless, poorly written wanking.

When's JLB doing the next solo album?? He's the only one I'm interested in hearing anymore.
Shame shame shame. This may be the last DT album I bother buying.
Great GREAT songs ruined by the irrelevant, mindless, poorly written wanking.

When's JLB doing the next solo album?? He's the only one I'm interested in hearing anymore.

Hell I don't even think the songs were that great, but wow the wanking is just super irritating.
Many prog bands know how to incorporate the technicality into the song writing in a smooth way, but Dream Theater nowadays just seem to insert sections into the songs purely for Petrucci and Rudess to masturbate furiously with their instruments.
Any flow and structure the songs might have had at all are completely lost because of that.
Agreed, there is no writing involved with the waking. It's just on/ off.
When I first got into DT there felt like there was some relevance between the wank and the song. Not any more :(

I'll take Circus Maximus for my prog from now on.
damn, what a little whiny bitch. Portnoy's an asshole. "oh jee guiz, ima quit da band den sue yoo... me take lessons frum david ellefson".