New DT Riffing

I wasn't trying to say the DT doesn't have any solos. They've got a whole lot of them. It's just that they're not nearly as bombastic as many bands, and they don't take you out of the song as much. The solo I've got in mind is from Amon Amarth's Twilight of the Thunder God. Big, dramatic song. Then you get towards the end, and it's just the rhythm guitar and...something... on top of it. It's a pretty awesome solo, but when it hits, it stops being about the song and it's just about awesome technique. It's not bad, and it works for some bands. But could you imagine Martin or Niklas standing at the front of the stage, arrogantly making awesomeface while they lay an awesome solo down? Most of solos are more modest, or somehow support the song. They're not pure wankery like some bands.

Actually this is one of the reasons I love DT as much as I do. Their solos are easily the most tasteful I've ever heard. Take Focus Shift for example. Not extremely challenging to play, as far as technique is concerned, but the effect those two solos have is amazing. I'd much rather that than the 45 seconds of tripleted 32nd note arpeggios which certain Melodeath bands pass off as solos >_>

And as for these apparently "uninventive" riffs being implemented, the question is, just because it is simple, does it lack effectivity? No. I'm sure we can agree DT are talented musicians, they could have easily replaced those chug riffs with something more technical. But those riffs are there for the effect they have. They make for a great contrast with the more melodic riffs. They're instant headbang material. And, although you may think differently, they are nothing like what core bands use. Core bands tend to stick to the bottom two strings of the guitar when they chug and rarely even change chord except to transition to the next riff. They follow simple rhythmic patterns and the drums usually just follow the chugs. The first time round it might work, but when you have an album with 12 songs, each of which has 2 minutes of the same chord, it gets insanely boring. And "boring" is not a word I can use to describe any of DT's riffs. There are some I like less than others, but in no way whatsoever are they boring.
Valentina Lisitsa is absolutely amazing. She's got a ton of material on Youtube.

I wasn't trying to say the DT doesn't have any solos. They've got a whole lot of them. It's just that they're not nearly as bombastic as many bands, and they don't take you out of the song as much. The solo I've got in mind is from Amon Amarth's Twilight of the Thunder God. Big, dramatic song. Then you get towards the end, and it's just the rhythm guitar and...something... on top of it. It's a pretty awesome solo, but when it hits, it stops being about the song and it's just about awesome technique. It's not bad, and it works for some bands. But could you imagine Martin or Niklas standing at the front of the stage, arrogantly making awesomeface while they lay an awesome solo down? Most of solos are more modest, or somehow support the song. They're not pure wankery like some bands.

Just my modest opinion but there is only one band that can put great songs, great solos and overall great musicanship all-together, and I'm talking about Nevermore.
No question that the guys from Dream Theater or Children of Bodom are great musicians, but the songs are boring most of the time. I recently went to a Dream Theater concert and I was bored to death of listening solo after solo, it is just not my thing...

DT for me has always been about the riffing (The Gallery and The Mind's I) and the drama (Projector). The others are good albums and I'm glad that they continue trying to be innovators instead of going the easy path (like In Flames), but if I need to pick a DT album to listen 90% of the time would be one of those 3 I mentioned.
Just listened to the new one once (since I already payed for two editions I have the right to download it beforehand :heh:) and didn't catch me, but I was working and trying to be focus on it, I need to give it more tries...
One of the first things that I noticed about the leak is that the quality is bad enough that some of the finer points of the music are obscured. I'd honestly wait for the release if you really want to experience the magic. I think that your opinion will change when the album drops.
You're probably right, this internet stuff makes people too anxious to get everything as soon as possible, and then one ends up frustrated because what can be a very good listening experience is transfomed into something ridiculous...
I think I will wait for the vinyl to arrive to give it more tries, and listen to it in my cosy home with a beer or a glass of wine, without any distractions and with great sound quality...