New DVD "Joe Barresi : Tracking Rock"

Mar 1, 2009
Didn't see a thread opened for it, so...

I bought it, it's quite expensive for dvd (but couldn't resist as soon as it's about seeing the inside of a recording studio! :) )

It was cool to see his workflow, how he set up mics and what he chooses for what. (the drum setup part is ...:loco:) to much mics for me! )

Really interesting even if there's nothing incredible, but just a real analogue workflow explained.
Not really a "fan" of his sound, find it too "cloudy", but surely cause i prefer clearer modern metal mix on guitars and he's more "heavy rock with vibe" oriented, with not much edit to let things more live.

All in all, a good dvd which gives you the feeling to be with him in his studio.

Waiting for the mixing part.

"Raw" (much processing on the recording path!) tracks are also given into a pt session...find it cool!
Damn, 95 bucks??? No disrespect to Mr. Barresi, but even 49 would be overpriced for a download (!).

And with a DVD price of almost $100, he's never gonna get those many, many "well, maybe there's something cool on it" people (like me) who would have impulsively bought it for 39 ...
Damn, 95 bucks??? No disrespect to Mr. Barresi, but even 49 would be overpriced for a download (!).

And with a DVD price of almost $100, he's never gonna get those many, many "well, maybe there's something cool on it" people (like me) who would have impulsively bought it for 39 ...

+1 - I'd do 39 or even 49, but 100 bucks? Christ. This one will probably get torrented to hell and back like the MLIA stuff.
Damn, 95 bucks??? No disrespect to Mr. Barresi, but even 49 would be overpriced for a download (!).

And with a DVD price of almost $100, he's never gonna get those many, many "well, maybe there's something cool on it" people (like me) who would have impulsively bought it for 39 ...

exactly this.

would buy that immediately for a fair price.

really not a fan of barresis work... but i respect his work on tools 10000 days.
so could have some useful info. well... waiting for a pricedrop then.
You guys are crazy. 95.00 is fucking cheap for a inside look at how Joe works. It would cost more for a plane ticket or gas to go be a fly there and watch him work. Needless to say he got my 95.00 and i'm stoked to watch this tonight.
Joshua: yea, of course, if you care about it, then yes. I was more thinking economically from Barresis perspective. I am an honest man and I'll gladly pay 30-40 bucks for something like this to have 5% new info out of 10h of film. And so would many others. But I don't expect anything on this DVD that is actually worth 100 bucks to me. So instead of buying it, I'll eventually torrent it to find out that there's probably only 1% worthwhile info for me - and that means that I'll end up deleting it and being glad that I didn't shell out 100 bucks.

That way Joe is losing a lot of dough from people like dcb, JeffTD or me.

And mathematically, I'd rather sell 500x30$ (15000$) than 100x95$ (9500$) ...
yeah i mean, considering there are books and other videos for cheaper. joe baresi is good and all, but its not exactly seeing the beatles in the studio recording sgt pepper or andy wallace working on an entire mix.
+1 - I'd do 39 or even 49, but 100 bucks? Christ. This one will probably get torrented to hell and back like the MLIA stuff.

Hi . I'm Jeff .. one of the producers of the Joe Barresi series.
First .. thanks for your interest in our release.

I know it sounds expensive .. but we had 4 hi-def cameras
running for 12 hours days for 3 1/2 days .. getting live audio
feeds from his Board and then had a long 5 month editing
process to condense it all down.

It was basically the cost of a reality TV show.

The result (we hope) is insight into how Joe works and some
of his style of production and interaction with artists. We tried to
compress the 3 and 1/2 days into something you can experience
in a couple of hours.
Plus, we threw in the Protools session file so you can dissect
what he did "track-by-track."

If you love Joe's work, we think it's inline for his calibre of
engineering/production and his stature in the recording industry.

The reasons we chose to offer this online exclusively are

1. We can offer a higher quality HD video than what you can get on
a DVD. Blu-Ray costs a heck of a lot to run (due to the BluRay
tax) and the quality of the HD would have been roughly the same.
Perhaps those who have purchased it can attest, but we believe it's
the highest quality video and audio of any audio instruction product on the
market. And we spent all our production efforts to make sure we
lived up to that goal. We offer an iPad version .. and it looks
great (IMHO).

2. Online, we can personally watermark each copy that we sell to
the person who bought it. While it may show up on Torrent at
some point, we will be able to trace it to the person who purchased
the material and violated the copyright. It's fruitless to fight the
torrents, but it's very effective when the anonymity of the
torrent "poster" is shattered.

So .. we understand that if you aren't a "Joe Barresi" fan, that this
product will not likely be applicable to you. But, if you are, and you
love his work, we believe this allows you to hang with Joe while
he tracks this project, gain insight to his style and workflow, and
get the Protools session for deeper study.

Hope that helps explain why things are the way they are...

Hi . I'm Jeff .. one of the producers of the Joe Barresi series.
First .. thanks for your interest in our release.

I know it sounds expensive .. but we had 4 hi-def cameras
running for 12 hours days for 3 1/2 days .. getting live audio
feeds from his Board and then had a long 5 month editing
process to condense it all down.

It was basically the cost of a reality TV show.

The result (we hope) is insight into how Joe works and some
of his style of production and interaction with artists. We tried to
compress the 3 and 1/2 days into something you can experience
in a couple of hours.
Plus, we threw in the Protools session file so you can dissect
what he did "track-by-track."

If you love Joe's work, we think it's inline for his calibre of
engineering/production and his stature in the recording industry.

The reasons we chose to offer this online exclusively are

1. We can offer a higher quality HD video than what you can get on
a DVD. Blu-Ray costs a heck of a lot to run (due to the BluRay
tax) and the quality of the HD would have been roughly the same.
Perhaps those who have purchased it can attest, but we believe it's
the highest quality video and audio of any audio instruction product on the
market. And we spent all our production efforts to make sure we
lived up to that goal. We offer an iPad version .. and it looks
great (IMHO).

2. Online, we can personally watermark each copy that we sell to
the person who bought it. While it may show up on Torrent at
some point, we will be able to trace it to the person who purchased
the material and violated the copyright. It's fruitless to fight the
torrents, but it's very effective when the anonymity of the
torrent "poster" is shattered.

So .. we understand that if you aren't a "Joe Barresi" fan, that this
product will not likely be applicable to you. But, if you are, and you
love his work, we believe this allows you to hang with Joe while
he tracks this project, gain insight to his style and workflow, and
get the Protools session for deeper study.

Hope that helps explain why things are the way they are...


Excellent justification Jeff! I think I'll pick this one up...!
Hi Jeff,

I see your reasoning and don't get me wrong, I am not disputing the fact that the product cost warrants the price. It's just priced outside of the "impulse buy" or "I'll pick it up for the hell of it" bracket, so I hope there'll be a lot of Barresi fans so you get in the plus with the project. :)
It's pretty costly, but I'm totally gonna drop on this tonight.

Evil Joe is one of the true heros in audio.
Hi Jeff,

I see your reasoning and don't get me wrong, I am not disputing the fact that the product cost warrants the price. It's just priced outside of the "impulse buy" or "I'll pick it up for the hell of it" bracket, so I hope there'll be a lot of Barresi fans so you get in the plus with the project. :)

Thanks .. if we sell a lot, maybe we can drop the price ...

I've gleaned a lot of ideas from this video release. I've watched it several times, specifically the drum related ones as my next big project will be recording drums for my bands next album. I'm paying close attention to his mic techniques, and then going off and doing more research so I'm well prepared when I go in. I have a rough idea of what I aim to capture.

If you're a fan of dense mixes, which are glued together and work as cohesive unit, I think this release is well worth the price.