New DVD "Joe Barresi : Tracking Rock"

If you know the layout of the SSL desk, you'll notice a subgroup labeled Kosmos, a Peavey subharmonic synthesizer, also Tubetech. If you know how to use a Pause button, the preview gives away a lot of amazing insight; IE the Primacoustic Crashguard on the snare mic, minimizing hat bleed, the fact that the OHs are moved behind the impact point on the cymbals to minimize harsh stick attack and blend even and odd harmonics, making a more smooth and less aggressive picture of the kit, especially with those choice MA-200s. 421s at 45 degrees 2" inside the hoop aimed almost dead center for maximum pickup of tom batter head excursion. A pair of Royers in a Blumlein array in front of the kit to pick up the room and kit for a nice image, the beauty of ribbons is they don't pickup low end as well as condenser, thus eliminating the need for the Blumlein LF shuffler, as mentioned in Blumlein's patents. A cardioid condenser on the bell of the ride to pick up the ping. Foam under the bridge and nut to dampen after-ring on the strings, a trick you all know from this forum...a 421 on one speaker at the "Sneap" spot, and a 57 at the same on an other, giving you the color of and thickness of two speakers and two mics, as long as phase coherent, a common method for gtr tracking. He's mixing/editing on some cheapass small speakers.

If Evil Joe can GIVE AWAY all this in a 40 second preview to the seasoned amateur. I can only imagine what is in store for the guy that shells out $95.

I'm a huge fan of his work and as broke as I am doing the little free-lance shit I've been up to, I'm getting this video in a week, it looks fucking sick.

BTW, saw Joe Baressi at NAMM, the guy was with some chick who was a mgr or agent or something dragging him to different meet/greet shit and he seemed super annoyed, but the guy paused for a few seconds to shake my hand, respect.
If you know the layout of the SSL desk, you'll notice a subgroup labeled Kosmos, a Peavey subharmonic synthesizer, also Tubetech. If you know how to use a Pause button, the preview gives away a lot of amazing insight; IE the Primacoustic Crashguard on the snare mic, minimizing hat bleed, the fact that the OHs are moved behind the impact point on the cymbals to minimize harsh stick attack and blend even and odd harmonics, making a more smooth and less aggressive picture of the kit, especially with those choice MA-200s. 421s at 45 degrees 2" inside the hoop aimed almost dead center for maximum pickup of tom batter head excursion. A pair of Royers in a Blumlein array in front of the kit to pick up the room and kit for a nice image, the beauty of ribbons is they don't pickup low end as well as condenser, thus eliminating the need for the Blumlein LF shuffler, as mentioned in Blumlein's patents. A cardioid condenser on the bell of the ride to pick up the ping. Foam under the bridge and nut to dampen after-ring on the strings, a trick you all know from this forum...a 421 on one speaker at the "Sneap" spot, and a 57 at the same on an other, giving you the color of and thickness of two speakers and two mics, as long as phase coherent, a common method for gtr tracking. He's mixing/editing on some cheapass small speakers.

If Evil Joe can GIVE AWAY all this in a 40 second preview to the seasoned amateur. I can only imagine what is in store for the guy that shells out $95.

I'm a huge fan of his work and as broke as I am doing the little free-lance shit I've been up to, I'm getting this video in a week, it looks fucking sick.

BTW, saw Joe Baressi at NAMM, the guy was with some chick who was a mgr or agent or something dragging him to different meet/greet shit and he seemed super annoyed, but the guy paused for a few seconds to shake my hand, respect.

Was all this explained in the video, or is it your own observations?
Because i think its this kind of thing that (i presume) viewers would like explaining to them rather than having to pause every few frames to work out whats going on for themselves and perhaps miss a few things.
Was all this explained in the video, or is it your own observations?
Because i think its this kind of thing that (i presume) viewers would like explaining to them rather than having to pause every few frames to work out whats going on for themselves and perhaps miss a few things.

Totally, pausing frame by frame and thinking. Compiling a bit of previous knowledge with what I saw brought me to these conclusions. I'm considering getting a subharmonic synth now, for bussing drums and bass and maybe gtr to, apparently it was all over Raconteurs Consolers of the Lonely and others.

I may have stretched some assumptions but some things are pretty clear. If doing some freeze frame action.
Totally, pausing frame by frame and thinking. Compiling a bit of previous knowledge with what I saw brought me to these conclusions. I'm considering getting a subharmonic synth now, for bussing drums and bass and maybe gtr to, apparently it was all over Raconteurs Consolers of the Lonely and others.

I may have stretched some assumptions but some things are pretty clear. If doing some freeze frame action.

Ah you see its this kind of thing i (and i presume others) would like to see Joe explaining and talking about without you having to do a load of your own detective work,
i think it would be this kind of stuff those who are disappointed in the DVD's content, would have bee expecting to be there, being will fully passed to the viewer on a plate.

Using a sub bass sound to fatten things up is a pretty standard practice for engineers as far as im aware
I love a lot of Barresi's work, and 10,000 days is one of my favorite albums sonically, so I'm really consider getting this. The price is a bit steep, but it's totally understandable. I can't imagine a huge profit made out of this project :/

If you know the layout of the SSL desk, you'll notice a subgroup labeled Kosmos, a Peavey subharmonic synthesizer, also Tubetech. If you know how to use a Pause button, the preview gives away a lot of amazing insight; IE the Primacoustic Crashguard on the snare mic, minimizing hat bleed, the fact that the OHs are moved behind the impact point on the cymbals to minimize harsh stick attack and blend even and odd harmonics, making a more smooth and less aggressive picture of the kit, especially with those choice MA-200s. 421s at 45 degrees 2" inside the hoop aimed almost dead center for maximum pickup of tom batter head excursion. A pair of Royers in a Blumlein array in front of the kit to pick up the room and kit for a nice image, the beauty of ribbons is they don't pickup low end as well as condenser, thus eliminating the need for the Blumlein LF shuffler, as mentioned in Blumlein's patents. A cardioid condenser on the bell of the ride to pick up the ping. Foam under the bridge and nut to dampen after-ring on the strings, a trick you all know from this forum...a 421 on one speaker at the "Sneap" spot, and a 57 at the same on an other, giving you the color of and thickness of two speakers and two mics, as long as phase coherent, a common method for gtr tracking. He's mixing/editing on some cheapass small speakers.

Haha, I'm currently reading the original Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and your post was frightingly similar to his lengthy descriptions of detail observation :lol:
Ah you see its this kind of thing i (and i presume others) would like to see Joe explaining and talking about without you having to do a load of your own detective work,
i think it would be this kind of stuff those who are disappointed in the DVD's content, would have bee expecting to be there, being will fully passed to the viewer on a plate.

Using a sub bass sound to fatten things up is a pretty standard practice for engineers as far as im aware

To clarify, I was referring to freeze framing the 40 second preview. I blew through my paycheck again so my buying the full-length is delayed. I'm excited though, Barresi is pretty much a badass.
I'm so close to getting this but $95... I just can't....

Maybe the discount on the mixing one for the people who bought Tracking will make it worth it..
125$ for both...100 euros (99.18€ to be exact) so 50 euros per dvd...
dont get me wrong im sure its awesome but in my opinion its just a little bit expensive
(considering the average price of a bluray movie or pc game right now)
Ill just have to have till i can afford them :(