New Edguy song and Video "Robin Hood" posted!

I'm sorry to say but if anyone took my previous post seriously you are lost in the pun-iverse....this forum has no lack of defense that's for sure. Looks like its shaping up to be a fine season.

Obviously the song is lacking some of the greater qualities Edguy is known for but if you want those moments back you might as well go spin some Avantasia and reminisce in the hooky days of the old and embrace Sammet's real focus in song writing. (That's purely an assumption on my part, probably an inaccurate fact)

That being said....i enjoy Edguy old and new. Yes including Robin Hood. My 'personal opinion' of course. :D
Obviously the song is lacking some of the greater qualities Edguy is known for but if you want those moments back you might as well go spin some Avantasia and reminisce in the hooky days of the old and embrace Sammet's real focus in song writing.

Good call!

I swear one of the lyrics during the bridge was "he's the son of a father..."

Really? REALLY???

I dunno..... It was kinda weak for Edguy. Not bad, but very uninspired I think....
I don't really know how seriously to take Edguy at this point. I've been listening to them since just after Vain Glory Opera was released in 1998. Obviously Tobias has a weird sense of humor, and that's perhaps come through more on some later albums than it did earlier in their career when they were more of a "serious" power metal band. I haven't listened to their last few albums as much I did perhaps from 1998 - 2004. But I thought the song posted above was pretty decent. Not the greatest thing they've ever done, but solid.
I think it's better than the last couple of albums' singles by a mile. And usually they choose the simplest most repetitive song as their single. So this bodes well for the album.

Great video too. Although like Hammerfall, giving Edguy money to make more expensive videos is apparently dangerous.:)
Like Twisted Sister before them, Edguy are at the point of having people laugh at them ... rather than with them. I understand a band wanting to have fun and even laugh at themselves on occasion, but when you become this consistently silly, you risk becoming the butt of the joke. I've given up on Edguy ... baring a miracle and they actually write something decent.

Speaking of Twisted Sister, for those that really know the band (the SMFs), they were once a top notch live band. I'd rank them as one of the best live performers from the '80's. Full of energy with great stage presence and tight performance. But over the years, they got sillier and sillier with the outfits and videos. Most people only remember them as that over-the-top cheesy band in the videos. But if you go back and watch their live performances from 1980 to 1984, you'll be surprised at how good they once were.
I just consider Edguy a fun band that likes to goof around. Even in concert they cut up a lot. I guess if you need your rock/metal all dark and serious, they aren't for you.

I can't say this was my favorite song or video of theirs, but I'll save my judgement on the rest till I hear the whole song and the rest of the album.
Edguy is one of my 5 favorite bands and I have a theory about what is happening to them. I don't know if it is conscious or not, but around Hellfire Club, they started fooling around with an 80s sound - Like "Lavoratory Love Machine". At first, it was a fun departure from their normal thickly-textured, guitar-driven power metal sound. Then, this sound began to creep into ALL their songs. Ever since Hellfire Club, this style has become more and more prevalent, to the extent, it is now their sound!! What we have now is a Motley Crue from Germany!!!!!

It is certainly a sad development when I think back to the materpieces that were "Vain Glory Opera", Theater of Salvation" and Mandrake". I wonder if they will ever go back.

Chris :headbang:
Last thing I listened to from this band was Rocket Ride. Loved that CD, but haven't bothered to listen to any of their newer stuff.
Why Robin Hood? What in the world made them pick Robin Hood for a song. Despite everything that's the most puzzling thing, that a group of people would get together and say yeah...that sounds like a pretty solid idea. It's not really funny, they are trying way too hard.

Maybe if it was about Spartacus, shit better not give them any ideas.
eh. It's just another forgettable Edguy song to me. Everything before Hellfire Club and after Rocket Ride have been largely forgettable albums and this sticks to that assessment pretty well.