New ESP day with clip


Jun 27, 2006
South FL
ESP Horizon II FR


Camera phone washes out the quilt, but it has a really nice quilted maple top. Been awhile since I had a guitar with an EMG 81/85 combo in it, so I decided to make a clip trying out that "Fredman" technique.
Yeah, I should have probably daisy chained a few MT2s to really bring the pain. I'll try it next time I put on my black studded body armor and corpse paint.
Yeah, I should have probably daisy chained a few MT2s to really bring the pain. I'll try it next time I put on my black studded body armor and corpse paint.

Well since constructive criticism seems beyond you.........
Well since constructive criticism seems beyond you.........

:lol: I'll be sure to bring this rig to my next bluegrass gig.

Actually, on a serious note, I could probably even pull it off by using Channel 1 on this amp. The 5150 III is one ridiculous piece of gear.
I can see what he means - theres a sort of 'washy' sound to the rhythm guitars.

Nice playing though.
Hah, yeah, it's pretty bad when the best part about this entire thread is the choice of picks I use. :lol:

Check out this thread:

The "washyness" is probably my wank playing (not tight enough), bad mic placement (phase issues) or something in the chain. I'm listening on HD555s, so I don't have any real source of monitoring. :eek: When I record, I just kinda set up a tone and go for it. None the less, I appreciate all of you listening to it, good or bad.
Do want guitar in black or gun metal grey w/ no trem...but will take as is. Nice axe and amp! Do they make those front plates on the EVH in a black variety? And maybe with metal mesa style knobs, course you could probably just buy some knobs and get it recoated.