New ESP Guitars and Basses for 2011

Nothing there I like other then the EC's of course ....

my thoughts exactly.

who the hell would want to play a reign in blood anniversary guitar? i'm as much of a slayer fan as anyone, but you'd never see me on stage with that guitar.
i'm not getting the point of signature series in general (not only esp).....sometimes there's some cool stuff that you'll hardly find in another guitar, but most of the time it's just a basic production model with a signature and maybe different wood or pickups or whatever.

anyways, not feeling the new ltd/deluxe models either...
omg the JH sig looks so awful, the slayer one looks badass, no lefthand models as usual -.-
Loving the new explorer style, way better than the other one. Hopefully they will do more guitars with that style.

Liking the H-1007 (A LOT!) and the MS-1... the Reign In Blood guitar is pretty cool too IMO, not sure about the new Metallica ones though.

Also, with the new Stephen Carpenter 8-string, wouldn't a standard-scale 8 have really bad tuning problems?
Oh no... Every year the same shit. B O R I N G! 1000 new signature guitars + one black and one white ltd.

Why no cool ESP standard models? What about a M-Model which is not black???
None of the signature models interest me at all.
25.5 inch scale 8 string? Seriously? G# is the absolute lowest you can go on a 25.5 inch scale and that's very much pushing it. F# just doesn't work at all on a 25.5 inch scale IMHO.

7 strings look cool though.
What caught my eye the most was the introduction of those LTD Teles. I think having one of those would be pretty awesome.
not new as such, but it wasn't on the site last year at all
I want this guitar SOOOOO much

or maybe this one actually

I'm a real sucker for wood finishes
The thing I'm sick of most, more than black guitars, more than completely superfluous signature models is...


At the $1000 level it's always cuts that look shit, feel shit and are just depressing to be around. They get that white shit in them and you can never fucking get it out.

I know we're talking mid range price point here but it's clearly not hurting overheads to whack real pickups and OFRs into these guitars, does the extra bit of coin for a nice maple or ebony fretboard really make a difference? BC Rich offer ebony boards on their mid range guitars and I'm yet to hear about their parent company experiencing a spiking suicide rate due to bankruptcy. Although in ESP's case once they get done sweeping the sea dead for abalone to shove into every nook and cranny there probably isn't a lot left for nice fretboard woods. Ibanez just seem determined to drive their customer base straight at Schecter and LTD, and Jackson probably won't ever understand that people outside of shitty 80's thrash revivalist bands play guitar too.

The other excuse is that you have to buy the high end standard series to get nicer options. Really, so why can't I get a figured top on an ESP M series but I can get quilt maple (and a maple fretboard mind you) on a fucking $300 M-103?

The only thing I can put it down to is the weird curve of demand for particular specs at particular price points on particular models. Because it doesn't make a lick of sense to have a nice mid range guitar that looks like a $150 starter guitar when you're looking down the neck. Though if that is the case, who the fuck are all these people with shitty taste demanding ugly fucking rosewood on everything?

I've only touched on the main metal guitar manufacturers here because it's the most confronting to me as a metal guitar player. Gibson and PRS make guitars for rich dentists looking for a new expensive hobby and old rockers who buy overpriced things based on qualities that don't exist ("mojo").