New Fan!!!

Jun 11, 2005
Melbourne, Australia
Greeting's fellow fan's of Kalmah.

I recently got into these guy's with the help of one of my friends. She told me to have a listen to "Hero's to Us" and "Hades" and they grab my attention straight away...Now im considering buying some of there stuff.

Whats a good album to start off with, she mentioned "Swampsong", but just wondering what you guy's think.

Thanks again Jeanne for getting me into Kalmah :Saint:
Hi i suggest you buy swamplord first coase i think its the best album then they will return.
They Will Return is your friend here. It's more diverse than the first album and just better than Swampsong.
I am a new fan, too. I bought They Will Return a few days ago and I think it's great. It's like old school COB but ten times better. Song number 8, I think its called My Nation, is a damn fine piece of music.
Devy_Metal said:
I am a new fan, too. I bought They Will Return a few days ago and I think it's great. It's like old school COB but ten times better. Song number 8, I think its called My Nation, is a damn fine piece of music.

Totally ... it's maybe my favorite Kalmah song, or, at the very least, amongst the top five.
I say buy them all and listen to them in order. I personally like Swamplord the best. That whole cd I can listen to over and over and over and not get sick of it. TWR to me is their weakest album and thats not saying much considering that there "weakest" album beats the hell out of alot of other bands best albums. Swamplord is just awesome taking on both the sound of TWR and the melodies of SL. I hope The Black Waltz will own...oh wait its will.
Sick, guys...thanks for the info. I'm starting to give them a lot of attention. I've been playing TWR non stop and I really love it. I like the gutiar tone on the album a lot. The melodies are great, too and the production is awesome. If TWR is their weakest effort, then I can't wait to hear their other stuff.
You have made a wise choice to become a Kalmah fan, they have never made a shitty album, I don't think they ever will. All the of the albums kick ass the last one SwampSong is amazing, I think it gets better with every listen.