Circle of Doom...

Mar 3, 2006
California, US
This is bullshit. Kalmah would come to the U.S. if the CD sales showed that they had a huge audience here right? Well, the fkn cocksucking distributors mark up the CD so damned much that only HARDCORE fans buy it. I've been getting all my friends into kalmah, and been talking them into buying it, but it's over 24 bucks. They're caught in a vicious circle of doom. We need to try and get as many copies of their CD's sold as possible. If your local CD store doesn't carry it, go in and order it... Eventually all the CD stores will get sick of not selling it and mark it down lol.

I know this post seems like a bunch of ranting and bitching and nagging and whining and runon sentences, but what the hell. I don't give a shit. That damned tuska festival thread has me messed up. I NEED to see Kalmah live. It's to the point where I'm about to buy a fkn plane ticket JUST to go watch one of their shows.


*Listening to Suodeth*
Fucking CD shops, around here its $30 on average for a cd (I guess thats close to $24 US). Utter bullshit.

I don't think people realise that they will get more sales (therefore more profit, even if not over all).

Oh well, wtf.

US have a FUCKLOAD better chance of seeing Kalmah then Australia.

Just a quick Question (rather then starting a new thread or having to search myself) Do Kalmah have any Jumpers I can buy online? Hoodies or anything. I need a new jumper, and wouldn't mind a Kalmah one.
i think alot of places have it marked up is because the cds have to be imported, which costs more money, but ive seen all of em (except TBW) sold for less than $18.
I ordered one of there cds and I managed to convince one person into buying it. I know some people that will but, like you said, it's high priced. The store ordered TBW so I'm hoping people might be interrested in that.
If 25 bucks are too much for you cheapasses,
then just order them on the net or something...
Ashen_Mirth said:
If 25 bucks are too much for you cheapasses,
then just order them on the net or something...

Please re-read my original post and *gasp* put some thought into it. Where did i say that $25 was too expensive for me? What i said was that, it's hard to get NEW fans to buy a fkn 25 dollar CD especially with the internet the way it is today...

You don't think there is a big difference between 10 bucks and 25? If you buy alot of CD's that's a huge fkn difference. Take a second to let that sink in.
this is true but most people dont even buy cds at the record store anymore. you can just download it for free or get it off amazon for normal price.
Cr4zyIrishJohn said:
Please re-read my original post and *gasp* put some thought into it. Where did i say that $25 was too expensive for me? What i said was that, it's hard to get NEW fans to buy a fkn 25 dollar CD especially with the internet the way it is today...

You don't think there is a big difference between 10 bucks and 25? If you buy alot of CD's that's a huge fkn difference. Take a second to let that sink in.

Yea it is. We need Donald Trump to endorse Kalmah. Shiiiit.
HEY Just Fuken Wake up pussies. Get to a store and buy ALL their CDs !
Its the best band ever. For one year i'm listening to Kalmah and still not found anything better...i had something like 1000 songs when i started listening to Kalmah..then today i have almost 6000 songs...and NOTHING is better than Kalmah. I'm still not able to beleive that there is a band that is that melodic...brutal .. perfect :| holy ****.
the're are 2 things in this world that are girlfriend..and just below...KALMAH !! BUY THEIR CDs, RUN AND DO IT no matter if u downlaoded their songs. i downloaded The Black Waltz the day before it came out...( febuary 22 i the 21 i got it ! ) and i prefer they will return but... I BOUGHT THE CD ANYWAY because i want them to continue to play their f*** great music.if they die ( stop playin ) a part of me will die.
if i had millions of dollars man i would like to send them something like 1 million or more EACH just to thank them for their music. s*** god think u understand Kalmah is my favorite band XD. :hypno: :goggly: :kickass: :rock: