Me starting threads on this forum is probably not the best of ideas, but hey! There needs to be some balance and you need some ovaries here, too (or.. do you?
I promised something to the Swamplords over 3 years ago. And today I said to myself that it cannot be, that the promise is still not fulfilled... Marco managed to leave the band before I put my words into deed... Shame on me...
So here we go:
Three years ago, a dream I never thought would come true, indeed did.
I was in Finland. The mountain came to Mohammed (back then it was nearly impossible to see them anywhere else but in Finland). Thanks to the EU, my school and God I was in the land which I chose because of Kalmah and the nation's unseen in the world educational success in the language classrooms (and more than that, which I didn't know then).
200 euro later I was on my way through the beautiful city of Oulu to a little island in its northern part to meet my Musical Heroes - Suoherrat.
of course couldn't do that without a cup of coffee first
It was a day long trip. I took a night train and was in Oulu in the morning and was gonna go back south with a night train again. I will not ever beat the fan who came from Canada to see the guys, but for a maiden of my young age that I was I think I came pretty close to him on the list of crazy fans.
This particular pic crowns the moment when I was allowed to call myself "Swamplady" (Suonainen?
This picture needs no commentary, does it?
Besides the one that you can find videos from the gig made by my pesky small camera on yt >click<
These definitely don't though:
And this one of the ultimately most cherished possessions of mine. In a very special book - one of the safest places
And a close-up:
Looking at those makes me feel excited about this amazing opportunity I had. Dreams do come true folks...
At midnight had to run to catch my train south. The last hours spent in Oulu were like from a fairy tale - sharing a snack and enjoying a conversation with Pekka and a couple that were the best picture of Finnish hospitality (actually called me a taxi so that I could stay with them for a few more minutes).
I've felt very bad many times for not doing what I promised. And that was post pictures from my adventure on here. I thought of starting a thread with our fan treasures (signed copies of CDs and things - PEKKA' PICK!!! - and pictures etc).
I wasn't in Finland even for a week and I went to see them. Some of the most amazing things happened to me when I was on my stay there for 4 months. The best country in the world <period> And it was them that encouraged me to go see it - through their music and amazing personalities that are shown through everything they do. I absolutely love the Swampland and the amazing people. I miss it every - single - day.
Can't wait for the opportunity to meet them again sometime and make some more amazing memories. This time I will not forget to bring some signature Polish presents... (that's another thing I promised
Maybe this time Mohammed will come to the mountain?
It's here:
(we do have mountains! I know you Finns like them lots
they are ski-able in winter and very hike-able in the summer; we also have one of the most awesome audiences in the world of metal)
And it's not too far either:
This will be the end to what will have to be my longest post ever.
Kiitoksia for your kind attention.

I promised something to the Swamplords over 3 years ago. And today I said to myself that it cannot be, that the promise is still not fulfilled... Marco managed to leave the band before I put my words into deed... Shame on me...
So here we go:
Three years ago, a dream I never thought would come true, indeed did.
I was in Finland. The mountain came to Mohammed (back then it was nearly impossible to see them anywhere else but in Finland). Thanks to the EU, my school and God I was in the land which I chose because of Kalmah and the nation's unseen in the world educational success in the language classrooms (and more than that, which I didn't know then).
200 euro later I was on my way through the beautiful city of Oulu to a little island in its northern part to meet my Musical Heroes - Suoherrat.
of course couldn't do that without a cup of coffee first
It was a day long trip. I took a night train and was in Oulu in the morning and was gonna go back south with a night train again. I will not ever beat the fan who came from Canada to see the guys, but for a maiden of my young age that I was I think I came pretty close to him on the list of crazy fans.
This particular pic crowns the moment when I was allowed to call myself "Swamplady" (Suonainen?

This picture needs no commentary, does it?
Besides the one that you can find videos from the gig made by my pesky small camera on yt >click<
These definitely don't though:
And this one of the ultimately most cherished possessions of mine. In a very special book - one of the safest places
And a close-up:
Looking at those makes me feel excited about this amazing opportunity I had. Dreams do come true folks...
At midnight had to run to catch my train south. The last hours spent in Oulu were like from a fairy tale - sharing a snack and enjoying a conversation with Pekka and a couple that were the best picture of Finnish hospitality (actually called me a taxi so that I could stay with them for a few more minutes).
I've felt very bad many times for not doing what I promised. And that was post pictures from my adventure on here. I thought of starting a thread with our fan treasures (signed copies of CDs and things - PEKKA' PICK!!! - and pictures etc).
I wasn't in Finland even for a week and I went to see them. Some of the most amazing things happened to me when I was on my stay there for 4 months. The best country in the world <period> And it was them that encouraged me to go see it - through their music and amazing personalities that are shown through everything they do. I absolutely love the Swampland and the amazing people. I miss it every - single - day.
Can't wait for the opportunity to meet them again sometime and make some more amazing memories. This time I will not forget to bring some signature Polish presents... (that's another thing I promised

Maybe this time Mohammed will come to the mountain?
It's here:

(we do have mountains! I know you Finns like them lots

And it's not too far either:

This will be the end to what will have to be my longest post ever.
Kiitoksia for your kind attention.