Fan stuff


Sep 18, 2005
Me starting threads on this forum is probably not the best of ideas, but hey! There needs to be some balance and you need some ovaries here, too (or.. do you? :p )

I promised something to the Swamplords over 3 years ago. And today I said to myself that it cannot be, that the promise is still not fulfilled... Marco managed to leave the band before I put my words into deed... Shame on me...

So here we go:

Three years ago, a dream I never thought would come true, indeed did.
I was in Finland. The mountain came to Mohammed (back then it was nearly impossible to see them anywhere else but in Finland). Thanks to the EU, my school and God I was in the land which I chose because of Kalmah and the nation's unseen in the world educational success in the language classrooms (and more than that, which I didn't know then).
200 euro later I was on my way through the beautiful city of Oulu to a little island in its northern part to meet my Musical Heroes - Suoherrat.


of course couldn't do that without a cup of coffee first

It was a day long trip. I took a night train and was in Oulu in the morning and was gonna go back south with a night train again. I will not ever beat the fan who came from Canada to see the guys, but for a maiden of my young age that I was I think I came pretty close to him on the list of crazy fans.

This particular pic crowns the moment when I was allowed to call myself "Swamplady" (Suonainen? :blush:)

This picture needs no commentary, does it?

Besides the one that you can find videos from the gig made by my pesky small camera on yt >click<

These definitely don't though:


And this one of the ultimately most cherished possessions of mine. In a very special book - one of the safest places :Saint:

And a close-up:

Looking at those makes me feel excited about this amazing opportunity I had. Dreams do come true folks...

At midnight had to run to catch my train south. The last hours spent in Oulu were like from a fairy tale - sharing a snack and enjoying a conversation with Pekka and a couple that were the best picture of Finnish hospitality (actually called me a taxi so that I could stay with them for a few more minutes).

I've felt very bad many times for not doing what I promised. And that was post pictures from my adventure on here. I thought of starting a thread with our fan treasures (signed copies of CDs and things - PEKKA' PICK!!! - and pictures etc).


I wasn't in Finland even for a week and I went to see them. Some of the most amazing things happened to me when I was on my stay there for 4 months. The best country in the world <period> And it was them that encouraged me to go see it - through their music and amazing personalities that are shown through everything they do. I absolutely love the Swampland and the amazing people. I miss it every - single - day.

Can't wait for the opportunity to meet them again sometime and make some more amazing memories. This time I will not forget to bring some signature Polish presents... (that's another thing I promised ;) )

Maybe this time Mohammed will come to the mountain?
It's here:

(we do have mountains! I know you Finns like them lots ;) they are ski-able in winter and very hike-able in the summer; we also have one of the most awesome audiences in the world of metal)
And it's not too far either:

This will be the end to what will have to be my longest post ever.
Kiitoksia for your kind attention.
Great post, Corialote! I'm glad you were able to see them. I too went on a journey from California to Canada to see them last year. I framed up my signed booklets. Maybe I should post a picture of that.

By the way, those videos you took are amazing. I have watched them MANY times since they were posted!
You're very welcome! I cannot say what stopped me from writing this post for so long... But I guess it was simply life... I tend to take too much on my shoulders...

TheGroaningWind - sure! I'm looking forward to seeing those! Your journey was quite a ways then, too ;) But wasn't it worth it? Meeting them made every effort and every eurocent well spent energy and money. Especially looking back on it and just feeling excited from seeing the CDs when I'm going to play them or looking at pictures, or when somebody comments on one of the yt vids. I also still have the marker they used to sign the albums. I bought it in Oulu and it apparently dried out afterwards. It won't touch another album ever again! But it's a marker they all held in their hands :blush: Have I gone too far? :lol:
Corialote, it was definitely worth it! I saved up every cent I could and booked my flight before asking my parents. I was 19 at the time and it was my first time traveling without them (I did go with 3 other friends, however). I didn't ask for permission. I basically informed them that I was going to Canada whether they liked it or not! haha I was fortunate enough to see the Swamplords 2 days in a row. Needless to say, that was probably the best weekend of my life!

And no, you did not go too far. You just love Kalmah, like the rest of us! :)

Anyways, here is my frame. I got all my booklets signed, snagged 2 set lists, a poster of one of the shows, and a pick from Timo!

If there was a fire, I would worry about getting my guitars and this frame:rock:

Awesome! Never thought of snatching line-ups! Brilliant :D The craziest thing I owned was a snare membrane with a weird drawing and signatures :D
Thanks for sharing the pic and your Kalmah adventure. I know parents appreciate passion - even though it takes them a while to accept it sometimes (quite a while in the case of my own parents, but it's worth the wait). I'm full of respect :) Keep on rocking!

I just hope we won't be at a gig together one day - trying to snatch all the awesome stuff before everybody else... We might need to learn to share then :lol:
I have no problem sharing! The most important thing is experiencing the live performance. Set lists, pictures, and stuff like that is just a huge plus! That said, it would be great to meet you and other people from the forum in person:)

Also, sorry for posting such a huge image. I suck at posting pictures and didn't think to try to re-size it, not that I really know how to do that anyways haha
And we could have a Kalmah Appreciation Party :D Thinking about it, it would feel like a family gathering :D

Don't worry about the size! It only allows us to see the detail. The only reason my pictures are smaller is that picasa makes them this way when I upload them :P I hate having to do anything to my pictures after taking them (which makes me appreciate the work of graphic designers and digital artists... I would go mad...)
Very cool, thanks for sharing! I am definitely jealous of the pick. The only memorabilia I have is a setlist, a signed Swamplord CD booklet, and a signed copy of 12 Gauge on vinyl. And of course the videos I have taken. Five songs from 2008, and a whole concert filmed last year!
Doesn't sound like "only" to me Darth Grimby! That vinyl sounds awesome! Third time's the charm? ;)

And I found one more pic. I had it on fb and somehow couldn't find it on the depths of my hard drive when I was writing my original post. Taken with a phone. Behold!


:D It's just epic...
Got to see them in Switzerland in December 2010. One of the best days of my life. My band had got invited to play in Switzerland and it just happen to be within a week of an upcoming Kalmah show, couldn't believe it! Booked my ticket to leave 10 days prior. Didn't know anyone going to the show and almost got lost on the train bahaha. I still wonder if they will ever tour the United States!
:worship: :worship: :worship:
This is great! Especially that Switzerland is a ways from California!

Thanks for contributing to the thread btw! :D I hope people will be encouraged to spread some Kalmah rakkaus here ^^
I don't have any photos or signed autographs or anything, but I have very fond memories of my trip to Toronto from New York to see Kalmah during their Gauged tour in Canada.

I remember after the show I was chilling out with a bunch of other Kalmah fans (including one awesome dude named Rob Cranny) and all of a sudden, and I don't exactly remember how this happened, but we all got wind that Kalmah was setting up to leave in the parking lot behind, so I ran over there as fast as I could just so I could say thank you to the band for coming overseas.

And Antti Kokko and Marco Sneck came out and I got to tell them that I came all the way out from New York to see them and when I thanked them, all they could do was thank me in return.

I also have another great memory, during Pekka's announcing the final song, I jokingly shouted at "Moon of my Nights!" to which Pekka looked at me and said "Nice guess..."

You can hear "Of my nights!" of me yelling "Moon of my Nights!" in this video.

Seriously excited for the 2012 album so they can tour the US, already :P

EDIT: Also, TheGroaningWind, I am pretty sure I was like right next to you and talking to you the entire concert, since you have the set list from the Toronto gig and I'm pretty sure I saw you take it. Haha, small world!
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This is awesome :D I love the video, too! You can definitely see the difference between Finnish and Canadian audiences :D

Yeah, it's funny how a lot of Finnish crowds don't mosh. I don't mosh when I go to concerts but I always get a little bit perplexed when I watch a youtube video of a live show shot in Finland and everyone is just standing there. I guess that's just the American in me :P

And I didn't take the video, I just want to throw that out there in case the video's original owner sees this and somehow thinks I am stealing his tape or something like that.
I gathered it wasn't yours. It's not only the American in you. Most of European audiences are pretty... energetic :D Let's put it that way. That's why in one of my videos I showed them simply nodding their heads to Kalmah... I'd love to see my countrymen have a chance to show off their moshing to the Swamplords. I'd set a camera somewhere and go crowd surfing :D
«You can definitely see the difference between Finnish and Canadian audiences »

They look quiet compared with the Montréal crowd! ;-)