How kalmah Changed my life

duh turkey

New Metal Member
Jun 29, 2005
I usally don't sign up to forums and say my word, but I just had to.

One day at my cabin, I was listening to the radio and I heard "Hero's to us" and was stunned (and drunk) but the point is, being a guitar player, hearing this made me hunt for the band who I never knew existed. Then I found it. I couldn't belive what I was hearing. A new band I really enjoyed.

I've been listening to the same metallica, megadeth, Children of bodem, over and over again. And then I heard hero's to us and I was hooked. Then pretty much all there songs just made me shit my pants in happyness.

I'll never be the same guitarist after this, nor will I be able to listen to anything other than rock. Because almost every song is just, well words can't describe how much I love there music. I've showed all my friends kalmah and everyone i've showed loves them just as much as me.

I understand the whole thread sounds stupid, but I am truly changed after hearing Hero's to us, Hades, Tordah, Hollowheart, Alteration, Dancing of water, evil in us, kill the idelist, The list goes on.

Anyways, Thanks kalmah.
I am amazed you heard them on the radio. Where are you from? And yes, I agree about them changing your life because the same happened to me. Ever since I saw them on a music station on tv, I've been a devoted "Swamplord".:grin:

Read my signature if you don't believe me...
franklinchef said:
Can't listen to CoB anymore since I've heard kalmah...

So true.

I heard them on the radio. It's an all metal request line. I guess someone requested to hear it. Anyways, I live in winnipeg, manitoba, cananda.
fingers, i live in the US. all we care about is brittany spears or some shitty pop band. that and emo. which blows 2.

ive been thinking about visiting norway or finland in the future to see if i like it.
if you also care about brittny spiers then yer not gonna like norway for sure. btw i've been in sweden last october\november and the atmosphere by night is just..... AWESOME. and it's mostly made by people, not only by the place.. and dissection gig was great :D and swedish dudes really know how to live black metal :heh:
Kalmah is played in the rock radio sometimes here (Porto Alegre - Brazil). Skin O' My Teeth cover was played here two weeks ago.
TURKEY S "ROCK STATION" is imperssive. my freind probbly heard Kalmah on that station.
haha here in quebec i think they don't pass black or death(melodic too), the radio station just pass shitty music like emo, pop, alternative rock...Mabey the only metal bands that I heard here are metallica and iron maiden...
Kalmah are AMAZING! Great stuff, although they don't get airplay from mainstream stations in the USA, maybe ocassionally indie, college radio stations. I love Swamplord and Kalmah's other releases. Great metal. Kalmah, get on a good tour and come to the USA, pleeease. \m/ -l-
Check out the melodic thrash band USA based Arsis while you're at it.
Kalmah are really good.. It's like every song of theirs is a single.. fucking awesome band.. definately somewhere on the top of my list..