New Fan


New Millenium Christ
Nov 20, 2002
well i'm new in this board, i've just discovered zero hour(i downloaded the towers album, otherwise i wouldn't have found this band, but i'll buy has soon as i find it:)) and i'm impressed, man i'm not huge fan of prog-metal, the only band that i've know for years is dream theater, but zero hour just sounds refreshing, the heavy riffs rule so much, i love those riffs, the energy it brings, the only bands that give that kind of energy are maybe meshuggah and nevermore, i definelly notices some influences of those bands and there's a tool influence in there too which i really like.
I'm wasn't really a fan of this kind of vocals, but the guy really can sing, i really like his vocals although a growl here in there would be cool, well i'm definelly a fan now! I hope the band continues in this direction, cuz i've listen to the s/t too and i like it but towers its much more original imo.
Btw i downloaded that death machine track and it sounds really good too, i'm a huge death metal fan and i think its really good!
well enough said \m/
Welcome to the world of Zero Hour! :wave: Glad you discovered them and hope you find their cd soon.

BTW, I checked out your band's song "Deformed". Pretty darn cool.

FataMorgana said:
Welcome to the world of Zero Hour! :wave: Glad you discovered them and hope you find their cd soon.

BTW, I checked out your band's song "Deformed". Pretty darn cool.


:hotjump:that's pretty cool, were just finishing recording the real deal, i'll let you know when its ready, great production this time, way better ...anyway goto go listen to some more Zero hour*puts strategem*
Demonspell said:
Welcome to this forum...this post proves that Zero Hour appeals to more than just prog fans... :)

yeh definelly, i mean towers is a GODLY record, just great, the s/t i'm not to fond of it to be sincere, i really like the first song, but its to traditional in a way...i think many people that aren't into prog caan really enjoy towers if they tolerate the vocals at the 1st listen, thats a heavy real technical record right there, and now i do love the vocals, perfect album,good concept but again not every metalhead thinks like me, i love prog rock(king crimson,genesis),peter gabriel and other stuff other than metal so i try always to keep an open mind...but there's always the truuee metalheads.
what i really want is to hear some new zero hour material, when will that happen? i mean not the reissue, some new material, i just hope they stay in this direction, technical and heavy