New french acoustic date


Feb 19, 2003
Visit site
"Danny & Vinnie Cavanagh (ANATHEMA) en showcase acoustique exceptionnel le 13 novembre A l'Espace Curial 90 rue Curial 75019 Paris.
LOCATIONS: Réservations (10 euros à payer et retirer sur place): - Bientôt en Fnac.
Pour la première fois en France, les frères Cavanagh, têtes pensantes et membres fondateurs d'Anathema se produiront au cours d'un set acoustique de plus de 90 minutes, au cours duquel ils joueront des classiques du groupe ainsi que des reprises. La première partie est The Spherical Minds "

Hope you all can read french !!:D :D
snow2fall said:
Reading French isn't that much of a problem. I'm not able to speak it though - nor can I understand these fast-chattering French people. o_O

yeah it's no problem to understand it, 5 years of french in school had been enough it seems to at least get the meaning. I was more aiming at the event itself, that i would like to hear such news for a german concert.

i agree about the fast- chattering french peeps though, i wouldn't get a word either. :loco:
Well yeah, I just hope it'll be worth the trip, not playing in front of 3 fucks propping up the bar...
Now let's hope there'll be a nice bootleg of this upcoming Anathema showcase :) Everyone in Paris has to go there to support the band and the promoters !
