New Funeral f.a. Friend is sick!

It´s probably the best emo band. Do this new album sounds more like the third or the first? I like one or two songs of the first album, four or five of the second and nome of the third. All The Rage was my favourite song of Burnout Revenge : D
From what my mate is telling me 2 of the songs sound very much like Casually Dressed And Deep In Conversation. The other two are like 10 Scene Points To The Winner and Lazarus In The Wilderness.

Fucking. Win.
Your made seems to be pretty much into funeral, I'm almost the same manner!

The guitar work on this EP is so rad. Love it.

Don't think they're "emo", never been, pop of course(tales don't tell...), but now theyre back in the post-hardcore, and at it's finest imo!!!
I'm gutted I never pledged to get this. I was gonna do the "attend a mix session" one but couldn't afford to get down to Wales.

How's the guitar tone on this? I was watching some studio footage from tracking guitars in the control room and it sounded fucking awesome!
I'm gutted I never pledged to get this. I was gonna do the "attend a mix session" one but couldn't afford to get down to Wales.

How's the guitar tone on this? I was watching some studio footage from tracking guitars in the control room and it sounded fucking awesome!

Haha, yeah the mixing session, I would've LOVED to be there...

Guitars sound awesome, it's not the typical tone(as usual for funeral), kind of high-mid heavy, but beefy aswell.
Guitars are mainly 6505+ mixed up with the Überschall + JCM 2000 for crunch and overdubs.
Cabs: Mesa OS for 6505+; Marshall Vintage for Crunch; Peavey 6505 Cab with Überschall; Peavey Classic tweed for Cleans; Ampeg for the Bass.

JCM 900 for the bassgrid.

And the snap of the snare is impressive. wonder how the AE have achieved that sound...
Dude that's awesome! How'd you find out what they were using for guitars man?

I'd actually posted on a youtube video saying I thought it sounded like a Bogner Uber, well pleased with myself. Lol.
for everyone whos interested, since I'm so impressed by the snare snap I've wrote Romesh a mail:

"The snare snap is an SSL G compressor, my favourite. There is a 160 on front of kick from what I can remember!"

I've got the answer 5 minutes after I shhot the mail, nice guy!
Don't think they're "emo", never been, pop of course(tales don't tell...), but now theyre back in the post-hardcore, and at it's finest imo!!!

I thought they were emo from the pics, but I guess that´s how dudes look like nowadays. I´ve only listened the first four albums. Liked Juneau from the first and many songs from the second, but lost interest after Tales and Memory. Gonna check the last albums, thanks for the heads up.

just came across a couple of ffaf threads....

if anyone is interested, as far as i can remember, guitars were 6505+ through my Mesa 4x12 with 57/121 through Neve and API. I also ran the Bogner through a 4x12 cab (cant remember which one sorry) with 57/121 through Neve/API. I blended all these mics at the desk and bussed it all to one channel to create one sound. I dont like leaving lots of options at the end.

Hope that helps.
Cheers for the info Romesh!

A band I recorded are opening for these dudes soon, pretty stoked about it.
Just on the off chance you're still watching this, do you have any particular techniques for making sure everything is in phase when you're running so many amps cabs and mic's?

Its a bit tricky but its just the old school method of moving the mics around until it all works. Sometimes the low end doesnt stack up right so you just have to move the mics a little bit. I usually have my assistant move the mics around while I listen in the control room. Make sure the amp is in phase with the other one (flip all the mics on one amp and check).

Hope that helps!