New Gear at NAMM 2015


Führendes Mitglied
Dec 14, 2013
I thought it'd be cool to have a thread about all the new gear being released at NAMM 2015. So, if anyone has the inside on the new gear being debuted, please share here.
One new thing that I saw on my Facebook news feed, was that Waves released a dbx 160 compressor plugin. Here's the link:

Right now Gearslutz is pretty pissed off due to Slate Digital's announcement of a subscription service...honestly don't know how I feel about this one.

The Waves dbx looks nice, but it probably won't be different enough from what I already have to justify a purchase. They are pretty late to the game on that emulation IMO.

I looked at guitar offerings from various companies as well, so far Ibanez, and ESP for the most part have been disappointments. Jackson and Schecter though are killing it this year.
pro tools 12 seems very bizarre. I don't think any of the new features are things that I've known anyone to want. Lots of other cool stuff announced this year though.

I can't imagine those features are the only ones they've got. If so, why in the world would anyone spend that kind of money to upgrade? Anybody with a Dropbox account can do the exact same thing. It just seems to me that Avid is jumping on the "cloud" buzzword bandwagon.

Avid: I want to love you, but you keep trying to push me away. What gives?
Right now Gearslutz is pretty pissed off right now due to Slate Digital's announcement of a subscription service...honestly don't know how I feel about this one.

I love slate and use all his plugs and love them more then any other company..... but I think this will fail. People want to just own software and not rent it. It's a pain in the ass enough with all the fucking authorization hoops you gotta jump through already (thanks pirates).

Also how is this supposed to work? Every month I have to download a new license key and open ilok manager and drop it on my key? As simple as that sounds that's 2 steps more then other subscription services (netflix/whatever).

I just don't see myself paying 240$/year for something I don't even own. I'd rather pay 200 once per plug and know I have it in it's current state forever. If I decided to never buy a new piece of software again, I could still make records with the exact setup I have now for a long time and not worry about the newest update not working with my machine....

Having said that the trim module and vcc in VMR format are pretty much guaranteeing that I buy VMR very soon.
Slate subscription is another option besides regularly purchasing licenses. Not sure why people complain about it.
The Rupert Neve Designs 500 series rack and DI box look great!
Slate subscription is another option besides regularly purchasing licenses. Not sure why people complain about it.
The Rupert Neve Designs 500 series rack and DI box look great!

People complain about it because for example, someone who has spent the last year or so saving money to buy premium tools to give them an advantage buy vcc, vtm, vmr, fgx trigger etc. setting aside 1000$ of cash to be able to use those tools. Now someone can spend 19.95 and use them. I think it's rediculous and it really devalues the plugins for those who have paid to own them. This will not sit well with long time slate customers, why would it. I read a paragraph somewhere slate said something along the lines of don't forget music is supposed to fun and now anyone can have great tools. I don't think that studio owners who make a living off music treated their slate plugins as fun for everyone. It's really surprising to me that slate went this way knowing how serious people take their tools, it really devalues them. I do own all slate plugins, mind you I did buy them when sales were on but still.
^ with usb lol

I'm a bit more interested in the alesis mesh kit. I've been wanting to get an electronic kit for the longest time, but wasn't exactly enamored by the 7.5k price of the roland set : /
I'm a bit more interested in the alesis mesh kit. I've been wanting to get an electronic kit for the longest time, but wasn't exactly enamored by the 7.5k price of the roland set : /
A quick Google search and that does actually look quite interesting.

The Blackbird Steven Slate stuff looks interesting...but after the David Bendeth debacle I think I am going to hold out for a bit until purchasing anything SSD expansion related because it seems with Toontrack and Steven Slate that their drum expansions are very hit or miss.

Also, in case anyone wants to view 2015 models for guitars and haven't already:

Ibanez 2015 (USA models only):

Jackson 2015:

Schecter 2015:

ESP 2015:

BC Rich 2015:

PRS 2015:

EDIT: Just read through the Gearslutz thread again, and Steven claimed that they would make around ten plugins a year to justify the subscription fee...interesting. Ten plugins a year is quite a lot.
People complain about it because for example, someone who has spent the last year or so saving money to buy premium tools to give them an advantage buy vcc, vtm, vmr, fgx trigger etc. setting aside 1000$ of cash to be able to use those tools. Now someone can spend 19.95 and use them. I think it's rediculous and it really devalues the plugins for those who have paid to own them. This will not sit well with long time slate customers, why would it. I read a paragraph somewhere slate said something along the lines of don't forget music is supposed to fun and now anyone can have great tools. I don't think that studio owners who make a living off music treated their slate plugins as fun for everyone. It's really surprising to me that slate went this way knowing how serious people take their tools, it really devalues them. I do own all slate plugins, mind you I did buy them when sales were on but still.

IMO if you are buying tools to "give you an advantage" you are doing it wrong. In comparison though consider how people probably felt when Adobe introduced the creative cloud, those programs cost a fuckton more than the Slate stuff.
In the end, I think people are mostly upset because it might start a trend that could be perceived as anti consumer (like subscription only services for plugins). I think we all forget however that just like any other company these software companies are in it to make money and subscription services while being a total load of bullshit consumer wise, gurantee revenue for the company in the end providing the consumer has no other option (ie. Every other major company also only offers a subscription service).

I think audio technicas new ath r70s look nice, semi open back they remind me of my k702's. Also, omnisphere 2 looks terrific.
If slate does that, it's gonna be pretty simple for me : I will just wait until a plugin arises that make the subscription worth it. It might take a year anyway, so it should smoothen the price delta for someone who already owns all his plugins.
Give it a few years and it will be the only option.

Yeah, that is why people is freaking out. When this kind of radical changes in direction occur you are saying to people "anything can happen in the future" so they feel unsafe and that is why there is a lot of complains even when they are told that the can buy stuff as they normally do.

There are two thing that can happen and probably will: subscriptions are gonna be the only option and lots of companies are gonna jump on that train.

If you are a protools user you are already heading in that direction since you have for example ProTools12 AND Slate subscriptions. An if small monthly payments start to add up....well we all know what happens.

As cool as it is trying new tools. If every month they release an update, a new color, a new algo for a plugin you are using in mid session then you can spend lots of time (mixing,making music time) trying that new console, that new eq, etc. It seems like a workflow killer becouse it gets you focused on the tools intead of the music
I guarantee 99% of the people who who own all slate plugins (such as myself) will find this complete bullshit. To the rest of the world this is a great way to get everything we have all set money aside to actually buy. Regardless of total, 19 95 a month for all plugins was not an option for me last year when I bought all his plugs. Not sure what people don't get about this being shitty, Also to my previous post. Say "an advantage" was a bad choice of words but you get what I meant. Look at it like a piece of gear, if you worked and save 100000 to buy a sick console then a month later you have the option to use that console for 99 bucks a month instead with no obligation, it's really the same. What about the guys who bought these tools to give their studio the edge of the latest and greatest. Now anyone can mix an album on slate plugs for 19 bucks. I just really thought the slate plugs had a more boutique type feeling surrounding them, now they have a Cracker Jack box feeling.