New Gear?


New Metal Member
I've been checking out your videos and have noticed in the older videos you have Marshalls while in the more recent ones you are using Peavey. Courtney is using a Valveking and Nita a JSX. You like them better? Of course Wanda uses Ampeg(nuff said!) and Linda her DWs. Just curious about the guitar amps. You can tell a difference in your sound too.
I actually use Schroeder Superior Cabinets, a BBE BMax-T preamp, and a QSC power amp. That's my rig. When we play places where we need to use backline, it's pretty much impossible to get exactly what you my only prerequisite has been that everything works! LOL! Most places have Ampegs you probably saw an out of town video..or maybe one of our more recent gigs in Corona - that place has their own backline and they prefer that you use it. Last time I brought my rig there, I wasn't able to use it..I can't remember why..time contraints or something like that..but anyway, I use my own stuff whenever I can (which is about 95% of the time). :)
Yeah I hate using backline because most of the time the equipment is older than I am and needs new tubes in a bad way. I have my old Marshall as a backup but prefer to run my Vandnebergs through my 5150 head. My bassist I miss the most used a Carvin 5 string through a Carvin rig and she too played bass with the local symphony as well as ran her family's restraunt. Left it all when she married a guy that owns a dozen radio stations in Europe. But she's happy and that's what counts. Spent 9 years trying to find a bassist as good as she was.