new girl


Apr 25, 2008
Haha, hi everyone. I spent like 45 minutes writing a really detailed introduction which was promptly erased because I got logged off. Story of my life.

Anyway, I'm 17. I was born in California, now I live in the midwest. As the name implies, thrash is my beautiful latin lover. My fav. bands are Possessed, Testament, Kreator, Exodus, Vio-lence, Dark Angel, Exhorder and stuff like that. There are a few very well-known sellout bands whose old stuff I like. I try to avoid mentioning their names where possible, but you can probably guess which ones I'm referring to.

I like solo guitarists, i.e., Malmsteen, Buckethead, Vai and Satriani.

I like traditional/NWOBHM in small doses, i.e., Maiden, Sabbath, Priest, Motorhead, Halford, Manowar.

I am a proponent of the ethnic cleansing of all things metalcore (post-thrash) and its adherents. Sterilize them.

Besides listening to metal, I like instrumentalizing metal, reading, video games, and narcotis (used only in moderation to enhance instrumentalizing metal, reading, and video games, of course o_O ).

Besides metal, I occasionally listen to classic stuff like Frampton, Grateful Dead, Jimi, Zeppelin, Bob Marley, The Melvins, Ted Nugent, Pink Floyd, Springsteen, Van Halen, Stevie Ray Vaughan, and ZZ Top. I can also tolerate a small number of alternative bands, mostly Primus, RHCP, Alice, Suicidal, Sublime and not much else.

That's basically me. Oh, and I'm also a looser who just wrote a really long, silly description of herself on a fucking heavy metal forum.
Wierdo. :puke:

EDIT: I am also a sports freak, as you may have noticed if you've been in the "Old School" forum recently. My fav. teams are the Angels, the Rams and the Lakers. I also like the Padres, Raiders, Warriors and Cardinals (STL, not AZ). Other than that, I will usually root for any Cali team in any sport except the Dodgers, Niners or the Sacramento Queens.

College-wise, I love UCLA, but I am ok with USC because my family is divided between the two.