New Glenn Harveston Interview Posted

dargormudshark said:
Same I have said before last year I wasn't a huge Nightwish fan. That night I watched some of the show and liked a few songs. A few weeks later I bought Wishmaster and fell in love with that album. It usually happens that way unfortunantly. I really regret not watching the whole show.

That happened to me with Balance of Power at PPII, but luckily I did watch all of their show. I didn't know one word or note of their stuff, but they kicked my butt !!

Thanks again for all the kind words. I can't take much credit as Glenn is just the perfect interviewee and just so easy to talk to. I think of them as just recorded conversations really. I do have questions handy but he really made it easy. To answer the last question, yes I will be interviewing anyone and everyone possible this year. I just hope there will be time to watch the show! LOL
Bryant said:
That happened to me with Balance of Power at PPII, but luckily I did watch all of their show. I didn't know one word or note of their stuff, but they kicked my butt !!


I will forever be kicking myself over the whole Nightwish deal, I later heard from someone on this forum they played one of my favorite songs ever that being "Ever Dream". :cry: