new guitar?? harley benton


New Metal Member
Aug 26, 2011
hey guys, what's up?

so my guitar is broken, and as i'm on university i have not much money to get a good/expensive one.

i was thinking "hey, why not buying a harley benton lp style guitar and changin the pickups?"

i'm not a solo player so for rhythm it would be good (??).

have anyon tried one? can you post some sound clips to see how these guitar sound?

thank you, have a nice day!!
whatever you do, ever, buying harley benton is never a good idea. you'll just kill your motivation playing those pieces of shit.

your only options aren't "good/expensive - harley benton". by this i mean there's a plethora of options in the middle...

the best option would be to get a middle-range guitar used. bentons aren't worth the pickups you'd buy on them.
i will change th pickups from day 1 and i will probably wire bridge pickup --> output jack only. the thing is, is the overall guitar (minus sound) worth it, or it going to be fallen apart after few months? :p
I had a tele with humbuckers. The quality was pretty shoddy. The worst thing was the fretwork. Plain bad. Fret outs where common.

In my opinion it's not worth it. Especially spending money putting new pickups on the thing.

Go used or middle priced from a more established manufacturer.
I´ll echo what the others said:
Don´t do it.
Some of my students have various HB models and those instruments always have zero tone (I´m not even talking pickup quality here, just wood/build-wise), mostly bad playability with out of tune or buzzing frets and are often hard to get into/keep in tune.
My tip for a good cheapo instrument would be a Yamaha. The cheapest Pacifica model (less than 200 bucks) was my main instrument live and in the studio for a few years. Although I´ll admit that over time I changed most of the hardware for higher quality parts, the general build quality and basic wood was really good.
thanks all for your help.
the Yamaha RGX 121 Z seems good, is it? have anyone a sound clip with this guitar?
In the $300-$400 range, it's hard to beat Agiles.

shipping costs too much for Agiles unfortunatly.
I make like 60$/month if I stop going out with friends and eating spaghetti every day.

so i will probably stop playing guitar :(
GET A USED EPIPHONE LES PAUL!! The Classic or Customs are AMAZING guitars for the price on the used market! Put some Duncans or EMG in and you have a GREAT guitar for not a lot of money!!

can't find used ones here but what about a EPIPHONE LES PAUL SPECIAL II with some nice duncans? ;)
what do you think?
Personally, based on my experience, I would by wary of getting such a low priced instrument online, without trying it first. QC is a bit of a hit or miss on those low prices.

If you can, try some on a local store. Also the pickups you want will cost you more than the guitar(!), so if you want to change them take a look at these too. I tried the fat paf's (they're based on the JB supposedly) and where REALLY good for the money!
Echo the calls for a Yamaha Pacifica 112 and up or a Epiphone Les Paul Standard and up.

Make sure you buy used tho, otherwise you will never make your money back if you decide to sell and you won't make a saving of at least a third of the price. High street stores will flat out rape your wallet in the current climate as well.
can't find used ones here but what about a EPIPHONE LES PAUL SPECIAL II with some nice duncans? ;)
what do you think?
I have a LP Special II. It blows ass. Big-time.

The guitar is made of plywood.

I then bought a NOS Ibanez SZ320 a couple years back and damn, was it an upgrade!
hey guys,

what about ordering a custom guitar without the pickups and put my old dimarzio super distortion in the bridge?
do anyone know any cheap company like rondomusic that have europe dealers to order one?