New Hammerfall... holy backing vox, Batman!

All these cheesy videos CG videos like Hammerfall, Scar Symmetry, Symphony X etc. are done here in Serbia. :)

Some friends met Hammerfal guys on accident. They were just walking and "hey! isn't this a singer from Hammerfall"
The main vox delay seems to be stereo. Think they did that 'delay one side by a few ms' trick to widen it up?

Good question. I have always struggled with getting the stereo delay sound that I want. Yeah, there's the off set one side by a few ms, but it just never comes out the way I want.
Wow, that really does sound great! not even into this kind of music but everything sounds so huge, epic and huge as well... details needed!
Can it be Michael Wagner who mixed it ?? The pre chorus "No mercy...." was really nice but then the "Neccessary" part that sucked major donkey balls.
Anyone else think Oscar Dronak looks like Joey DeMaio in places on this vid?

OT: Anyone still have the Hammerfall tracks that were up for mix like enternities ago? It was Hearts On Fire.
Some friends met Hammerfal guys on accident. They were just walking and "hey! isn't this a singer from Hammerfall"

Same here :) Met them in a music store in Tampere (Finland) a couple of years ago (i assume they were buying strings / drums skins and shit for their gig).

Off-topic but still : can somebody explain me the whole "BLABLABLABLA, Batman" type of sentence please ?