New here


Apr 7, 2006
Gold Coast
Hey guys

I'm new to the forums.

Let me introduce myself, my name is James, I live in Queensland and I like metal.

Well thats all I can think of anyway. :headbang:
New Member..........???

I don't remember the last time that happened.

yeah, crazy! We havn't had fresh meat here for a long, long time.
So long in fact, some members have taken to breeding their own just to boost numbers!
:wave: 'Lo, Jim lad and welcome aboard.

There's an awful lot of Queenslanders around here and now we have another. I'm so envious of people who don't have to put up with daylight saving.

Yes I know it's over now but I haven't been around much lately and I've got a lot of bitching to catch up on :).


I like the extra hour. If you're stuck in an indoor job, that extra hour makes a huge difference! I hate getting up for work before sunrise, and then only getting out of work when it's dark.. :(
Daylight saving is fucking awesome, and I'm pissed off that it's finished. :mad:

Hi BrightEyes, and welcome. Which bands are you into?
My uncle up there says most Brisbane people want it, but the farmers etc up north oppose it. Is that about right?
Something like that. I like not having it cos it means everything on Foxtel is on an hour earlier. :headbang: And I don't care about the getting-home-in-the-dark thing because it doesn't happen to me.
It's good being able to do stuff after work while it's still light though, like go for a walk or perform daylight robbery.