NEW Iced Earth Video


Iced Guardian was taken:)
Mar 27, 2004
music video for declaration day which has a dumb concept I guess its in par with the "quality" of the Glorious Burden... And it shows Set Abominae (the one from the Something Wicked cover and such)

Of course there no shots of band members playing... I guess just in case they leave before the next album comes out

you do see Jon and Tim for a whole 2 seconds in the video...
With the exception of "Melancholy," every video that they've done has been really lame. If you're not going to do one that kicks some serious ass then don't bother. The really sad part is that this video probably cost $25,000.
Probably because their best songs are usually quite long by radio/MTV standards. Iced Earth should really consider going the Dream Theater route of forgoing music videos in favor of doing home videos, if they do it right they could actually make money, as opposed to a music video which doesn't really justify the money said video cost in terms of album sales for an underground band.