New idea from Dandelium. My first mix with this current setup!

Erik Monsonis

Nov 18, 2006
Mexico City
Since I lost my own laptop I had to borrow my brother's until I can buy a new one for me.

So I had to get a fresh windows setup, and everything working again (you know, blue screens all over the place...)

Anyways, same shit as always:

Hope you guys like it!!
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WOW, sorry onqel, it's been ages since I don't listen to that clip (I remember you showed me), but I'll change things on the song so it's not that similar! ;)
That demonstrates we like similar things :lol:

I agree about the snare, I'll bring it down a couple dB's
Sounds really promising! I agree about the tone maybe being a little too scooped.

Btw, this soundcloud thing seems really convenient for posting songs on forums, I'll look into it.
yeah, guitars are super scooped.... also there is somethign really weird going on with the lowend... seems like there is lots of sub information that is not needed that is clouding the mix.
try a good analyzer and see where you can low pass instruments without compromising their impact.
I love everything of your stuff. Excellent work. I like the scooped guitar sound more, although the trend goes back to rich and fat mids.

I read a lot of your threads, but I never understand how you make everything work so well together. Your signal chains are sometimes extreme. If I'd do that, it would sound like a compressed piece of paper.

Sorry for my bad english ... I'm working on it ;)
There's really nothing in the 100-400hz range but the kick. Snare, guitars and bass all need more down there. The guitars sounded bad on my speakers but quite good on my headphones.. weird.
There's really nothing in the 100-400hz range but the kick. Snare, guitars and bass all need more down there. The guitars sounded bad on my speakers but quite good on my headphones.. weird.

I thhink that's very uderstandable as the headphones despiting how "studio" capable they are, tend to make things a bit thicker and a better body. Agree with the lack of drive on 300. I bet Erik just C4'd too much on there?

But i have to say that the overall is pretty darn aggressive sounding. Nothing bad really! On my concern it's that Erik's stuff is quite hard to ciritisize so whenever there's a chance shove it ;D
Great work on the way.