So I got the new iMac 24" for all my bedroom needs. It's come to my attention (altho a bit late)
that I have no idea what interface to get. 
Running Logic Pro 8.
My needs:
Need to just record guitar/bass/keys/vocals NO drums.
Using Superior 2.0/AD/EZ drummer for drums/assortment of crazy digital stuff.
Revalver MKIII/Guitar rig 3/Amplitube metal for guitars & Ampeg SVX for bass (for better or for worst)
Searching the forum I saw Focusrite Saffire & PreSonus Firepod. What ya think?
I don't have powered monitors (@ home) so I have to use an amp.
This will be used for making crazy fuck shit music. Think Katatonia on Skinny Puppy acid while Marilyn Manson is jerking off Trent Reznor. :zombie:
dam I need some sleep ......

Running Logic Pro 8.
My needs:
Need to just record guitar/bass/keys/vocals NO drums.
Using Superior 2.0/AD/EZ drummer for drums/assortment of crazy digital stuff.
Revalver MKIII/Guitar rig 3/Amplitube metal for guitars & Ampeg SVX for bass (for better or for worst)
Searching the forum I saw Focusrite Saffire & PreSonus Firepod. What ya think?
I don't have powered monitors (@ home) so I have to use an amp.
This will be used for making crazy fuck shit music. Think Katatonia on Skinny Puppy acid while Marilyn Manson is jerking off Trent Reznor. :zombie:
dam I need some sleep ......