New Immolation video!

Cythraul said:
Bergtatt, Nattens Madrigal, and Lyckantropen Themes have nothing to with rock/pop neither aesthetically nor structurally. I'd rather listen to a band that delves into concepts and subject matter outside of ephemeral anti-christian rhetoric. If you like music that reflects and espouses lyrically banal "christ-hating" babble then go right on ahead. Good music is soundly structured. It not only applies to the overall structure but to the melodic content as well. I'm not interested in how "evil" a riff sounds or how well a piece of music reflects someones narrow worldview. I care about well constructed melodies. Well constructed music does not imply that it must sound easy and comforting. Beethoven is not necessarily easy to listen to but his music is far and away better than any riff collection a dm band could pull out of their asses. I do not care about bullshit underground rhetoric. If you'd like to argue music theory with me then try, you'll fail.
So, in other words, you don't care about the communication of a work; only its technique? Well, in that case, you should still be interested in Immolation. It's soundly structured, and I don't hear this "half-assed" melodic content that you refer to.

Nattens Madrigal, not rock/pop? LMAO! That album is nothing more than the same pop that's dominated musical tastes since the Beatles, except with a bit more distortion.
Cythraul said:
Yeah, that's fucking pathetic. I posted my opinion on them and now I've got a bunch of whining fanboys hounding me and asking me to list bands I like. So much for any reasoned argument against the points I made.
Again, if you could explain what you mean by 'fully developed' for those of us who aren't musicians perhaps we could disagree with you (or even agree if you post something sensible). Although we're just arguing about taste here so there's no point in trying to intimidate people with your knowledge of musical theory, this isn't an argument you can win or loose.
Cythraul said:
If you like music that reflects and espouses lyrically banal "christ-hating" babble then go right on ahead.

Of course, the lyrics are what it's all about. No music, it's only about the aesthetic, goddammit!

Like I said, normal tr00b yammering.
Cynical said:
So, in other words, you don't care about the communication of a work; only its technique? Well, in that case, you should still be interested in Immolation. It's soundly structured, and I don't hear this "half-assed" melodic content that you refer to.

Nattens Madrigal, not rock/pop? LMAO! That album is nothing more than the same pop that's dominated musical tastes since the Beatles, except with a bit more distortion.

I can give Immolation credit for composing music that goes beyond the typical diatonic major & minor scales and I can understand why people like them. However, their riffs are more pasted together than developed ( just like 90 % of metal out there). I do not hear any development of main themes. I only hear riff after riff related only in the sense that they are in the same or harmonically neighboring key. Why would I listen to Immolation for the reasons you provided when I can just listen to Penderecki?

Please explain how Nattens Madrigal is pop, seriously. Explain it in musical terms. The song structures do not use typical A,B,A (verse, chorus, verse) song form. A,B,A song form is the structural template for all pop music. Furthermore, Nattens Madrigal is rife with dissonant harmony and polyphonically structured melodies, two qualities not found in pop music. If you're calling Nattens Madrigal pop music based on the abundance of consonant harmonies and parallel thirds, which would be foolish, then you're also dismissing Bach, Mozart, Haydn, Beethoven, Wagner and a whole slew of other Baroque, Classical, and Romantic composers. Y'know, I can walk you through music history and theory if you needed me to but that would be a waste of my time.
Nattens madrigal does sound very pop-ish. Can't give you any music theory behind it, but i hear what i hear. As far as immolation goes Cythraul, did someone mislabel the mp3s you downloaded cause you sure as hell aren't listening to Immolation.

V.V.V.V.V. said:


Dude, I totally agree with you. IMO. IMHO. You know, in my opinionated honest opinion.
Hmm, some interesting points.

Cythraul said:
I'd rather listen to a band that delves into concepts and subject matter outside of ephemeral anti-christian rhetoric. If you like music that reflects and espouses lyrically banal "christ-hating" babble then go right on ahead.

I disagree that Immolation's thematic concept is 'banal'. The lyrics are often metaphorical in a Miltonian sense, treating Satanic themes as allegory for the individual's struggle against overwhelming odds. 'Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven.' For example in 'Rival the Eminent' we have,

"I'll be my own leader
I'll be my own saviour
I'll be the strength that carries
I'll be the light that"

You can also draw parallels to the Nietzschean Superman in the song's advocating of 'will to power'.

Cythraul said:
Good music is soundly structured. It not only applies to the overall structure but to the melodic content as well. I'm not interested in how "evil" a riff sounds or how well a piece of music reflects someones narrow worldview. I care about well constructed melodies

We differ in techniques of musical appreciation. In my opinion music is art and hence should be understood aesthetically. In regards to Immolation, I find their union of aesthetic and concept to be extremely effective. You seem to advocate a more scientific, dry approach whereby music can be graded solely in accordance to how well it employs a pre-constructed codex of harmonic / melodic technique.

Obviously, a wider understanding of theory can enhance musical expression, however in my view it ultimately lives or dies in accordance to how well it functions as art. Hence, for me, Celtic Frost and Beethoven are great, whereas J.S. Bach and Jazz music are awful; the former expressing profundity artistically with the latter barley being art at all, more an exercise in the science of harmony perfected to an unsurpassed level.

That said, if you are saying that Immolation's aesthetic is damaged by limited cadential awareness, I have to disagree. There's a powerful narrative structure to all of their songs - strong examples being the title track to CTAWB - which carries mood through several, flowing passages - and the opening track from Here in After, 'Nailed To Gold' which contains a solo offering strong melodic development.

In regards to Ulver, they seem like smart guys. However, for me, they always had the air of a certain self-willed eccentricity and 'emperor's-new-clothes' elitism which I find a bit distasteful and unpleasant. Their music smacks of novelty and/or a plastic aping of foundational bands in whichever genre they are straying into currently.

To briefly comment on another point, I'll say that whereas all good 'music' must be structured, this does not hold true for sonic art.

Cythraul said:
Why would I listen to Immolation for the reasons you provided when I can just listen to Penderecki?

With respect, I think this is somewhat of a straw-man argument. I don't think anyone here is suggesting Immolation display as advanced a level of musical composition as Penderecki. If you'll forgive me turning your argument around for a moment: are you suggesting that Ulver do? If so, why even listen to Metal music at all and further, why ever listen to anything other than J.S. Bach?

In my opinion it's unfair to compare Metal music directly to classical music because its method of operation is not intended to be the same.

Cythraul said:
If you'd like to argue music theory with me then try, you'll fail.

I'm not a big fan of this kind of elitism. There is so much to learn and know that wasting time with chest-thumping self-aggrandisement isn't that productive for anything other than stoking egos in strange message-board scenes.
Edgecrusher said:
Or we could roll him up in a carpet and throw him off a bridge!

No dude. As he falls, he'll be cackling the entire way and listening to silence and claiming it is cerebral and fulfilling.