New Immortal released this month

The bands you mention aren't mostly underground, or even BM. Your trolling is failure. And I think you are poser: Location: Arcturus :lol: What a poser band.

Do you actually know ANYTHING about BM or are you here just to crying cus you can't understand BM? Cus, if you would know about BM, you would notice that you are poser yourself. Therefore you're worthless to BM-scene. You think that's funny, it's not.

You're worthless.
Enjoy your trve bm.
You're worthless.
Enjoy your trve bm.

I didn't know that you were so butthurt. Listen the bands I recommended to you, and you might learn something. But still, you remain poser.

If you are able to look BM and it's history in objective look, you notice this is the way things are done. BM was made back then to cus all the trendclowns followed DM, so they had to make harder music. But now cus of internet and many essential BM-guys dead or in jail, the situation is that there is shitloads of posers. You are one of them. I'm not.
^ You can? Really? mp3/video or it didn't happen :lol::lol:

But really, anyone who's claiming to be too trve to be true should be out there running in the woods and burning churches instead of waisting time on the internet :rolleyes:

So here's a cute picture of a puppy:


Oh, and also this video: