New Intense Site ...

Cheers Jon :)

TemplarOfSteel: The site definitely *is* live! Are you getting the old "New Site Coming Soon" page? If so, it's most probably being cached at some point in the chain. Try hitting ctrl+f5 (if using IE - or whatever your browser's equivalent is) to refresh. Also try deleting temp files.

If that doesn't work, you can bypass the landing page and go straight to the main page of the site here:

Richie Hell said:
Snazzy site.

Maybe I missed something, but the store doesn't appear to have any way of buying things?

Damn it Richie you're too clever for us :lol::) .. we're just sorting out a bank account and then will have an online option for ordering plus we'll have the new album and merch on there shortly and then the Merch page will launch officially .. if there's anything you want in the mean time just email me for details dude :)
TemplarOfSteel said:
Awesome. Looks like I'll be placing a new order soon then lol. Btw Sean, did you receive my cheque, cos the stuff still ain't arrived? Cheers dude.

Hi mate, Yep got cheque (it gets a little delayed cause it goes to the PO box and then gets forwarded to me) your merch will be coming out to you Mon/Tues :)
TemplarOfSteel said:
Stuff arrived today Sean. My mate's loving his album, and my t-shirt is proper sexy lol. Will have to see what the ladies think on Friday... Thanks for everything dude!

Blimey that's too good for the Royal Mail posted it yesterday lunchtime :)

Hope the t-shirt brings good results mate... it ought to :lol:
Well, I've thoroughly tested the new site now. I particularly like the skin changes, very cool, and the photoblog. It's good to see that you've kept the older pictures, as so many sites seem to ditch the best of the old just to put something new on. But the new photos by Paula are cool (especially Steve's, mmm...)

The only slightly negative comment I have (sorry) is that the band biography page doesn't flow as well as the rest of the site, with needing adobe to open it, and then the background and fonts being different. And there was a particularly nice photo on the old band biog that's missing!

I haven't listened to any of the new songs as I want to have a nice surprise when the CD finally comes out, and listening thrugh the PC speakers is hardly going to do the songs justice.

Hope to catch you on one of the tour dates, depends how much bribing Neil needs to bring me along...:worship:

Belinda x