New interface from Apogee. DUET

A great price for what is basically a 2 input audio interface? I know Apogee's preamps are well respected, but that still seems steep for what is basically a singer/songwriter/guitarist in a bedroom oriented interface with an assignable knob (w000t.)

Somebody enlighten me if there's something I missing. I've also gotta wonder how the pres really compare to a higher-end Apogee unit. Any info on that?
Somebody enlighten me if there's something I missing. I've also gotta wonder how the pres really compare to a higher-end Apogee unit. Any info on that?
apogee says that the pres and ad/da is the same as the ensemble(supposedly a step up from the mini series).
i am probably going to pick one of these up for overdubs for the time being until i can afford a better multichannel ad(probably either a m.h. 2882 or an ensemble). the motu 828 has been ok and once i got an external clock it got alittle better. that being said, almost a year ago i got a mini dac for da conversion and it was ALOT better than the motu da so im sure the duet would be a good step up for guiter, vocals and bass over dubs. im sure the duets will be around for like 400 street price(or close to).
Apogee isn't particulary known for pres. Conversion is the name of the game with them.