New interview of Warrel


New Metal Member
Jun 1, 2010
Warrel's interview is available on the Radio Metal's website in french and english
English Version: here
French Version: here
"The obsidian is the volcanic glass. I think right now, given the state of the world, especially in Iceland, volcanoes are very popular – unpopular, rather! I don’t know where the title came from, it just came."

that makes no sense and i love it.
Why is this line repeated every other sentence?

I think it’s gonna be hard for people to not compare anything Jeff or I would do with Nevermore. Not to sound arrogant or anything, but I think the Nevermore sound comes from both of us.

It drove me mad.
there is a love/hate relationshio going on - for yrs

I think it’s gonna be hard for people to not compare anything Jeff or I would do with Nevermore. Not to sound arrogant or anything, but I think the Nevermore sound comes from both of us.
I did say that I a lot of songs are written for the next one but I never said Matt was going to produce it, that's absurd, if all works out Peter will be doing it again..