New Interview with Scott: Talks "Anthems", Rob, and New Album


Active Member
Jun 12, 2011

How did you pick the six tracks on Anthems?

We’ve been doing cover songs since 1985 on our Armed and Dangerous EP. They’re songs we’ve been playing since we were kids. They were all written before we were even a band. When it comes to doing stuff like these covers, I’ll do ‘em all day long. For me, it’s just fun to play these songs.

What was the hardest song to play?

For me, personally, it was the Rush song. I knew the song going in, but I had never played “Anthem” before literally tracking the rhythm guitars on it. I listened to the Rush live version a bunch, just over and over again, and went in and basically just threw it down. I had never actually played the Journey song ["Keep On Runnin'"] either, but it’s an easier song riff-wise.

Which one did you really want to record?

[Boston's] “Smokin’” was my pick. “Keep on Runnin’” and “Anthem” were both songs that Charlie [Benante, drums] picked. As much as AC/DC are my favorite band, Joey [Belladonna] was the one who picked “T.N.T.” And I think we recorded [Thin Lizzy's] “Jailbreak” years ago, like in the late ’80s, and never put it out.

This is the last release you recorded with guitarist Rob Caggiano. Was his departure a surprise?

We didn’t know he was planning on leaving while we were tracking this. He was literally finishing solos in Berlin on the last days of the tour. It wasn’t until after the tour ended and we started having conversations, and just to put it in a nutshell, he just needs to do his own thing at this point in time. We knew he had a record that he was going to be doing possibly. We had already told him, if you need to take a hiatus, that’s fine. The best thing I can say is that he’s on a mission to do his own thing at this point. And I’m certainly not going to stand in his way.
How did you end up picking Jon Donais for the upcoming tour?

It was actually Rob. He had already spoken to Jon and had kind of filled him in about what his plan was. He didn’t want to leave us hanging. As much as it sucks, this whole thing has been friendly. I may think Rob has made a mistake by leaving the band, but at the same time he’s my friend and I back his decision all the way in whatever he needs to do. He feels the same about us. We all know Jon. I’ve actually worked with him before on [comedian] Brian Posehn’s record. We all know he’s a great lead guitar player. And Jon said absolutely he wanted to do it.

Speaking of records, are you working on a new Anthrax album yet?

We did demo a song while we were over in Germany. We thought might get used in this TV show. So that kind of gave us the kick in the ass to start working. We also had a song that we never finished for Worship Music because it just needed some rewriting. At the time, we were happy with the album and didn’t think it was missing anything, but then we started reworking this track on the tour in Europe and we finished it. I’d say it’s about 90 percent now. Once that one gets finished, I can say we started writing. I’m pretty sure this song will be on the next record. And I know Charlie’s got a pretty good vault of ideas built up from over the last year, and I certainly have ideas. It’s just a case of getting together at some point in 2013. We’re not doing much touring this year. By August, we’re done and the rest of the year we’re off, so we’ll be in writing mode and hopefully in recording mode by the end of the year.

So there's two songs pretty much done for the new album. Scott thinks Rob made a bad move, and Jailbreak might be from the 80's.
So reading Scott's quotes on Rob - is there any chance he's having a hiatus rather than categorically never returning to the fold, do you think?
Good stuff. Yep..nothing better then some good info.

2 new songs almost ready...they'll be resting the later half of the year. Hope that everything would keep on going as planned.

On Rob, well. i think its more like what Scott's hope it would be. Rob has said his farewell...but to return would be nice.
are you serious? when this band starts working on a new album it takes years and several delays until we get the final product.

I kind of agree with mr Thrashard. However, if they keep getting "kicks up their arses" they might speed up the process, sore bums and all. They're probably done with the baby steps, at least.
We'd all be very lucky to get a new one by 2017,that would be 5 year wait,if they stick to there usual 8 years it would b 2020,fucking scary hey:)
I was thinking it was realistic to hope for a new record in 2014. They'll tour still well into this year. But with Rob leaving the band I think that'll put them way back sadly.
Come on guys, not everything the band works on gets delayed. Just look at Anthems.

Scott don't even know how long they've been doing covers. I'm 18 Was on Fistful of Metal. 1 Year b4 A&D

I think he's done his best to forget that cover! He hated doing that tune so much at the time he refused to even play the rhythm tracks in the studio when they recorded FoM.