New iron Maiden concert dates

A friend of mine bought her husband tickets and a trip to Puerto Rico for Christmas. Here's what we're missing Atlanta:





Yeah.... I don't want to miss that anymore.
Well I roadtripped to the Germain Ampitheatre in Ohio I think it was in 2003 to see them and it was worth every f**king dime. With what happened on Ozzfest a couple of years back and with the fact that Dickinson has not hidden his disdain for everything American including the music scene, the fact that they play only a smattering of dates in markets they know they can sell out does not surprise me.

So ... looks like I'm flying!
Got my tix for the Maryland show! Really excited about this! I've only seen them with Blaze previously.
I have 2 tickets for the holmdel, NJ date june 14th. Sadly only three of us are able to make the trip. If anyone is interested please email me, hope i can make some ones day. Nice seats center stage Section 303 row S (with VIP parking area pass) $255 for both.:rock: