New Iron Maiden September 4th!

Maiden made it to London's Evening Paper. 3/5 is a really good rate for the non metalheads to read on their nightly commute.

The repetition of the chorus's drives me so fucking crazy! As with the last 3 Maiden discs, there's too much fluff and filler here to consider this a classic.
There are some strong points within, but overall it's just another average Maiden album. Too me Bruce has lost just a touch of his high end and it is almost a distraction.
Not that he sounds bad, he's similar to Halford in that he's lost a bit of register and it's noticeable
I'll listen a few more times before I can make a true judgement

This is close to where I am with it. Some of it sounds forced, like the Heaven Can Wait style choruses thrown in there. It's a decent album and all, but yeah, I'm not going to play it as often as the more classic albums.
Big problem for me with the last 3 albums is the band clearly doesn't know how to edit themselves. They basically just throw every song from their writing session regardless of whether its up to scratch or fits with the rest of the album. With the new album the shorter songs feel out of place and have a different vibe to the majority of the album. It makes for a very disjointed listening experience.
Another ok album from Maiden, the best for me is Eddie finally looks more or less like classic Eddie on the cover of the album. IMO Not a terrible release but since No prayer for the diying and Fear of the Dark song, I really don´t care much what Maiden is doing nowadays.

See ya at PP

I've listened to the first half so far.....and I must admit I'm somewhat underwhelmed sadly :-( Hopefully the second CD will change my opinions at least a little bit

Vocally I'm finding it a little on the weak side (seems like shouting on occasions when it should soar) and the mid paced nature makes some of these lengthy songs somewhat repetitive and dull. I've always said that just because the song is on the long side, that doesn't mean it's progressive ;-)

I guess as a bit of context......I've struggled with the post 1999 Maiden output generally. As one of my inspirations growing up I just loved everything from Number of the Beast to Fear of the Dark (was never the biggest Dianno fan) and still spin that stuff regularly to this day.

Now I'm all in favour of bands doing what they want and if anyone has earned the right to do that then it's Maiden for sure. I do find the 3 guitar thing a bit much as's almost like having to add bits so that everyone has their own part and consequently the mix suffers for me

I'm sure I'll be in the minority here but I can see this record going the way of Final Frontier et al and just becoming part of the collection as opposed to one I reach for time and time again.
I guess as a bit of context......I've struggled with the post 1999 Maiden output generally. As one of my inspirations growing up I just loved everything from Number of the Beast to Fear of the Dark (was never the biggest Dianno fan) and still spin that stuff regularly to this day.

No Prayer and Fear of the Dark are terrible albums, particularly No Prayer. That album as far as I'm concerned is the biggest turd in Maiden's discography.
Picked up my copy on Saturday and I don't understand some of the negativity I'm reading. I've been a Maiden fan ever since I bought Piece of Mind when it first came out....this is good. Real good. Anyone that longs for the days of the 80's are probably still listening to Eddie Trunk (stuck in the past). I've enjoyed all of the post 99' era albums with A Matter of Life and Death being my favorite which I've listened to countless times. This will be right up there with it.