New Jon Schaffer project. Important message.

Good to see I'm not the only one with an open mind about this subject.
As far as the Sons of Liberty project, the music was pretty dull imo. I like some Iced Earth, but I was expecting something else since it was another project.
America have more people.

I wont buy into any of this stuff, i never do. Conspiracy theories are naff. People were saying pretty much the same about the Lisbon Treaty.... oh wait... i still have all of my rights that i had before. Thanks.

Conspiracies on this scale... it wont happen.
But the power of America's government in relation to their population is far greater than Iran's.

And yeah, the thing with conspiracy theories is that people generalise them, so when one turn's out to be bullshit, a lot of people assume all the other's are then. There are loads I think are ridiculous, but also some that I think to be quite true.
The idea that something is just too big or too fantastic to happen as a reason to believe that it never could happen is exactly how shit like that happens. The people say, "oh that's crazy, it'll never happen", and then 20 years later they wake up one day and it's happening.
The recent terror scares give a convenient chance for an update of more of these ridiculous "terrorism" laws.

"The terror scare has prompted Mr Obama to order two reviews of intelligence and security operations, and he will meet with spy chiefs and top officials on Tuesday to discuss the findings. "

This is probably not a good thing...
the presidents are puppets. They are told what to say, told what to do, and their speeches aren't even written by them. Some of the highest freemasons, and other occultists in the land. Bush was a part of an organization known as the "Skull and Bones" society, where they do all kinds of fucking weird rituals and strange shit. Presidents are in these sorts of cult clubs. Some even say devil worship, animal sacrifices, orgies, and black magic happen on frequent occasion in some of them.