new Judas Priest track

I don't see the 70s/late 80s comparisons either. Musically this is closer to Jugulator, I'd say. I was always expecting this new Priest album to sound like a cross between Ripper-era and Halford's Crucible with something new thrown in. I think I'm going to be proved right.
Something makes me think of Jane's Addiction when I hear this.
someone on another board nailed that song I earlier said the whole intro sounds like ... Mountain Song - Janes Addiction ... total rip on that same riff.

Cover art, kinda cliché.
They've always had shit covers (other than Sad Wings or Sin after Sin perhaps), and this one is no exception.

That is dreadful IMO. Those legs are kinda sexy though (if you just look at it from the waist down). :loco:
Yea Sad Wings was and still is very awesome. I like Stained Class and Killing Machine/British Steel too. I wish they'd move away from the computer graphic type art. Or at least make it seem as if it weren't made in photoshop. Especially that god awful title font :ill:
hear that new track on the radio the other day and it sounded ok this time ... still a little mechanical though.
that cover is OK
Erik said:
The "Sad Wings..." cover art kicks ass all over the fucking place, classic. Other than that, I concur with the above post.
"Other than that"...? I said Sad Wings and Sin after Sin were the exception! :loco:

Do you also agree that those legs are nice and slender? Hmmmm....metallic knee-caps. *drools*

Yes, since the artist was specifically commissioned for this album, it is one of the best covers ever. If an album cover just uses random fine art then it shouldn't count really.

Can't really complain about this art, can you? Of course, it only half way counts, as this isn't an original album.

I just got it....that metallic demon thingy with his arms stretched out is making the Judas Priest symbol....did anybody else figure that one out?


Still lame though... :loco:
32K WMA = :ill:

So let's see:

"Judas Rising" is the 'album version' and it practically sounds mono (did KK Downing not show up for this?)

The others are '2 channel stereo versions' where you can hear two guitars. Weird.

"Revolution" - haha, Marc Bolan's "Children of the Revolution" anyone? Nice 70's thing there...

"Worth Fighting For" sounds alright, if a bit radio friendly...

I think I'll wait for the final release.