New Karnivool Album

Really underwhelmed by this one... So many MOMENTS on it, but nothing that happens for long enough for it to wow me :( There's a lot of, let's be different for the sake of being different instead of to benefit the song structure etc.. And I wish Ian Kenny had more room to have some catchier vocal parts. Some of it sounds so mashed to together
I'm loving all of it, even the production, especially the drums :notworthy:notworthy I can tell I'm not going to be sick of this album for a long time! So much depth throughout the whole thing.
It's definitely more demanding/weirder than Sound Awake. But there is something hypnotic about the album. Lots of really twisted but at the same time stunningly beautiful stuff. I'm only getting used to it, I think this is one which needs a few months before I can judge it properly. But I'm absolutely loving it so far.