New Kontakt Bass Instrument

Here's a short mix test with the FTS Edge Bass using the stems from Born of Osiris' song "Machine"
I took out the bass stem and added the FTS Edge Bass D.I.

Bass processing
CLA-76 > TSE BOD > Compressor/Gate > EQ > Limiter

The guitars fade in and out every few bars so you can get the basic idea of of the rhythm section.
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Some more mixes using the FTS Edge Bass.
Also made some PreEQ'd guitar impulses.

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It's a chango WIM kick. After I put a multband comp on the drum bus it seemed to loose some bass so I put on a 60hz sine wave gated to the kick. subtle, but cool.
A couple more examples

SHB-1 > CLA Bass > TSE BOD > CLA-76 > EQ > Limiter

TSB-1 > Match EQ 50% to the actual bass track > Multiband Comp > Limiter
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Tried so hard to not make the tone overly brutal and metal for this song haha.
Last edited by a moderator: Total Destroy Mix Test.mp3

Did this with FTS Edge bass, completely processed from scratch with the DI.

Here's a version with only bass and drums also: Total Destroy Mix Test Bass&Drums.mp3

Sounds cool man. Mind sharing what processing you did with it?

Bass is real sick! Just wish you could buy it D.I only, a bit cheaper, It's all I really need.

There's a drop down menu on the big cartel site that lets you purchase only the D.I.

Messed with the Attack and curve to sorta simulate fingered bass. Not sure if it was successful. Sorta kinda maybe.
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Sounds cool man. Mind sharing what processing you did with it?

Thanks man. I'd be glad to share my secrets, haha!

Nothing too fancy though. Divided into three tracks.

Track 1: DI lowpassed around 300 Hz, huge scoop around 200 Hz. A little boost around 50 Hz (I like my bass to lie under my kick, frequency-wise) and a pretty big scoop around 85 Hz (that's where my kick thump is). Also sidechained this area with a multiband compressor, so the 'kick thump' area ducks when the kick hits. Compressed to hell and back both before and after EQ, then limited so the volume practically doesn't move at all.

Track 2: Also DI. Same compression as track 1 pre-EQ, then I run this track into the sansamp plugin in Pro Tools. High-passed around 800 Hz, scoop around 1 KHz. Not compressed as much as track 1, due to this being my "pick attack" track.

Track 3: Also same compression as track 1 and 2 pre-EQ. Then run through my Axe-Fx using the same amp and cab as my guitar. Medium gain, very much EQ to make this not sound terrible (pretty much cut everything that sound bad) both before and after the signal hits the amp. A tad bit compression afterwards. Blended to taste together with track 2!
So I've been practicing some scripts for drums for round robins and all that jazz. Just getting into scripting in general.
There's flaws in the built in kontakt round robin and random section that I've had to deal with and work around making the Edge Bass. Like the grouping amounts.
I've added a script that takes away the built in kontakt round robin and keyswitches alowing me to be able to cut the groups from 112 to 56.
For me since there's so many groups it took about 10-15 seconds to open. Now it opens muuuuch faster.
Also with the script there's a display that shows what articulation/keyswitch is selected.
More importantly with the new round robin script it allows the alternate picking to be able to move within itself.
Before the alternate picking was "Down 1, Up 1, Down 2, Up 2... So on.
Now with the script, depending on how many times you switch from only down picking then to alternate picking it re orders the round robins
"Down 1, Up 3, Down 2, Up 4, Down 4, Up 5 and within the same riff it can be switched to "Down 1, Up 8, Down 2, Up 1, Down 3, Up 2"

Right now the keyswitching, humanizing, and round robin controlling/shifting scripts are on separate tabs. Once I can join them together on one tab I can send out the updates.

One more thing.
I've gotten TONS of messages/emails/whatever about this specific tone as a preset. It is fairly easy to achieve the tone, but I may or may not include it into the packs and send it out to whoever's already purchased it.
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So I got everything working smoothly now. The update is finished.
I'll start sending it out in a few. Or maybe I'll post a link to it on the bigcartel page and just direct everyone there.
With either a video of a step by step or maybe I'll just write it. But now there's a Data/Resource folder with nkr and nkc's that needs to be added.
It's simple drag and drop.

EDIT: Sending it to a few users to see if it's smooth and stuff first before I send one all of them
Check it. Not available yet only because it takes 100 years to upload them.
When my band split my bass player sold all his fancy gear so all of these are done in the box.

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