New Korn song!

Aaron Smith

Envisage Audio
Feb 10, 2006
Seattle, WA
Some of you may have heard this already... I haven't been a Korn fan since I was 14, but it's truly hard to believe how terrible this song is! I am literally laughing out loud and crying slightly at the entire last minute of the song...that snare part in there! :lol:


Also, they're on Roadrunner now!?
My only benefit from watching this video was that I know now that my cheapo audio technica headphones are obviously even good enough for korn :rolleyes:
I was never a big fan of Korn, but I respected some of the really creative shit they were doing back in the 90s and it was awesome how they brought the 7 string guitar more into the spotlight of the guitar community.
But geezus fucking christ, they should have done the right thing, which is to have just bowed out of the game years ago when they should have realized they are far past their prime