New L.O.G. thoughts?


Hamster Style
Jun 19, 2005
I've spun this disc about 6 times now in my whip on my morning commute and evening commute.

I dunno here folks... but ashes of the wakes blows it away. It's missing something... I cannot pinpoint it, but I guess I'm saying I'm not very satisfied with it. I'll be buying it to support them, but overall I'm not too thrilled with it. =( Bummer.

Also, the new Unearth is not that great either. =(

KSE is almost done with a new one, hopefully that will be the redeemer.
The music I think, while they aren't flexing their technical muscle, is stronger and more creative. Every riff on Ashes sounds like one another, making the whole CD feel like one giant song. This CD however has character to each song which keeps it interesting.

As I said, it's not their best technically, but I think they feel like they have already done that, so why keep making the same album? The vocals, while a big change I think are great. Randy's presence is a thousand times stronger than on Ashes and you can really tell that his influence played a big part to the overall sound.

It's dark and it's gotten back to their Palaces sound a bit, but at the same time doing something new. I agree it's not their best, but I'd put it on before Ashes any day. :kickass: It's funny that the first single is the weakest track on the whole cd!
i think it's good. not great but certainly good.
i have felt the same way about all the l.o.g. albums tho, they r a good band but i find them a bit samey to really get me excited.
same with the new unearth, it is better than i was expecting (i do think it's their best album so far) but it aint no world beater. again a good album but no classic.
new trivium tracks i have heard have been very dissapointing so it looks like it's up to killswitch and machine head to produce something awesome now?!
It's LOG, it's LOG, it's big, it's heavy, it's wood! It's LOG, it's LOG, it's better than bad, it's good!

Sounds badass so far! Definitely a heavy slab of mahogany. I can't wait for a new KsE record though...
I like the music, hate the lyrics. I think its stupid to sing about stuff like this...give me something else please.

The new unearth is the same as the last's so formulated and just...unoriginal that its disgusting. It reminds me of how Nickelback wrote the same song for their next big CD...

check out "So it Goes" on the new CD and "Zombie Autopilot" on The Oncoming Storm...

At least Nickelback cleverly made it sound like a different song while having it being the same chords, structure and drumbeat....this is just obvious.
I think it's a good album, it's different than the past albums but...there are a lot of things with "dejavù"..and I think there are no killer tracks like the past albums...we've not an 11th hour, a laid to the rest, a now you've got something.., a hourglass ecc ecc... for me there are good songs but not killer songs
Did you guys get a different album than me? I think this album is shockingly different than anything LOG has done before. I can hear some Dream Theater influence to this one, of all things. This album is massively complex and there's way more going on technically than on their previous albums. They've really set a new standard for themselves with this one, and it's going to take me a lot of listens to absorb it all.
Kazrog said:
Did you guys get a different album than me? I think this album is shockingly different than anything LOG has done before. I can hear some Dream Theater influence to this one, of all things. This album is massively complex and there's way more going on technically than on their previous albums. They've really set a new standard for themselves with this one, and it's going to take me a lot of listens to absorb it all.

i agree with you. but at the same time they really made it sound so lamb of god at the same time. its really impressive to me when a band grows that much, yet their sound is still intact. ill be listening to this album for weeks for sure:kickass:
I'm with Kazrog on this one, I think this one gets better every listen. Palaces and Ashes are two amazing records but I think this one might just top it. I think the vocals have improved by leaps and bounds. Randy's quickly becoming one of my favorite vocalists just for his sheer ability and range. Also, "Decending" has one of the best hooks I've heard in a while.
As stated above, this cd really doesn't have any stand out tracks. I thought Ashes Of The Wake was a fucking monster from start to finish, just like As The Palaces Burn. I don't know, its a good cd, but its just not as great as the last two.

[edit: I should point out they need to do something about the sound of ATPB quick. I don't know if it needs a total remix or just a remaster, but something needs to happen]
Descent said:
it looks like it's up to killswitch and machine head to produce something awesome now?!

Is everyone forgetting Mastodon Blood Mountain?!?!??! theire last cd was not so great....compared to remission but heard some tracks of the new one.
It's gonna be fuckin aaaaaaaaaaawesome.