New Line 6 clip (hd147 content)


andy's bitch
Aug 17, 2003
new zealand
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yo all,

gonna be recording a friends hardcore band soon and he uses an hd147 so I figured I better try and get a handle on recording the thing before we went in.

It definately took a lot of tweaking, some of the models just sounded absolutely awful once miked up :erk:

however the bogner uber, and triple recto record really well imho, as usual an sd-1 was used for a slight boost, and emg's.

there's some flabbyness in the low end but that's more a lack of mixing rather than the guitars :D

check it at


Ver very nice tone my man. My Pod XT doens't treat me wrong and I figuer if I get some spare funds together I'll invest in some Line 6 ampage. They offer good varity and tone and stand up. :headbang:
thanks man. Yeah line6 stuff offers pretty good bang for the buck, also I figure if you can get a tone like this from the hd147 then you should be able to get a pretty similar tone with an xt.

