New LOG album leaked.

cause you aren't tracking this dude?


never recorded anyone that's as on time as i hear in pro stuff
big cats are doing vocal editing / timing

i do too, but it just seems if i dont touch it, and i've got someone who has some great timing, all their vocals are a bit earlier sounding (without looking at the wave form)

go to zoom in, and yep, its early. always early!

This album does not warrant a second listen.

I hope they get back their focus for the next one if not they're out of the game for me.

all my most favorite albums... the ones that i listen to more than any others, have always taken at least a few listens to grow on me, sometimes several. in some cases i even hated them on first listen.

albums that catch my ear right away, that are instantaneously gratifying, i usually find my self becoming bored with quite quickly.
Snare is terrible, vocals are pretty epic, love In Your Words, Contractor has grown on me. Fake Messiah is a terrible song.
Classic bad sounding snare for LoG.

It may just be the youtube version I heard, but the guitars are buried. If the album has the guitars like that I'll be disappointed. They're a riff band, hard to hear guitars just don't cut it.

Vocals sound great.

I'll pick it up like every other LoG album.

Guitarhack, you really believe a true representation of Randy is a guy in a kilt with a bad Scottish accent? :lol:
all my most favorite albums... the ones that i listen to more than any others, have always taken at least a few listens to grow on me, sometimes several. in some cases i even hated them on first listen.

albums that catch my ear right away, that are instantaneously gratifying, i usually find my self becoming bored with quite quickly.

I agree 100%

The only two songs I liked instantly and still listen to are Colony of Birchmen by Mastodon and Achilles Last Stand by Led Zeppelin.. my other most listened songs, like 11th Hour by LoG, took a lot longer to grow on me
I don't think the mixes are that great, I preferred the way Ashes in the Wake and Sacrament sounded, the drums don't sound as good too IMO. But the vocals are better.

Nevertheless, can't wait to see them live on Defenders of the Faith. :rock:
I've listened to maybe half the album and wasn't impressed with it. I'm not one to write off an album completely, so I'm going to give it a few more chances and see what I think.

I will say that LOG just bore me to hell recently. I used to be a fan, but just grew tired of his voice, the tone, the riffs, etc. My friends think I'm just a hater, but it's my honest opinion!

God, I fucking despise the term "hater" - what, is no one supposed to have a negative opinion about anything, lest they become a "hater?" Lame, make new friends Joe :D
God, I fucking despise the term "hater" - what, is no one supposed to have a negative opinion about anything, lest they become a "hater?" Lame, make new friends Joe :D

Haha, nah my friends are awesome dude...It's I that use the word hater! Casually of course, more tongue in cheek than anything.

I'm just like "meh" whenever they start cumming over Lamb of God, or any assortment of bands that they all love and I dislike.

They all agree on how awesome a lot of metalcore is. Now, I played in a couple of metalcore bands and used to think the early stuff was cool. Now it just saturates the scene way too much for me. Collectively they all love it.

If I mentioned "hey let's put on some Evergrey!" It would be a shit storm most likely, haha.

They all agree on how awesome a lot of metalcore is. Now, I played in a couple of metalcore bands and used to think the early stuff was cool. Now it just saturates the scene way too much for me. Collectively they all love it.

If I mentioned "hey let's put on some Evergrey!" It would be a shit storm most likely, haha.


I will say that LOG just bore me to hell recently. I used to be a fan, but just grew tired of his voice, the tone, the riffs, etc. My friends think I'm just a hater, but it's my honest opinion!


Kinda the same here except that i just listened to "Wrath" 2 times already and to my surprise i really liked it. I found a lot of fresh-sounding, inspired, well-written, catchy, intense and diverse stuff (stuff that doesn't sound like the typical LOG the band has overused in the last albums without evolving enough). The album opening track is awesome, i love this kind of epic and moody songs !

About the mix itself, i think it's pretty decent. It's like "Sacrament" but less "overproduced"-sounding to me, it sounds rawer and more live, and i like it.
It takes multiple listenings in my opinion. For me, I couldn't distinguish much of anything about Palaces until my 3rd or 4th time through, and now it's one of my faves. Wrath is the same way for me. I love this record. I share the opinion that the guitars seem pretty buried. However, it could be better when the actual CD is released. So far it's just been 192kbps MP3's and Youtube so I'm hopeful.
That sucks! Most of the "troo and kvlt" metalheads want everything as devoid of mainstream qualities that it becomes off-putting to me. But IMO if you can put together killer riffs and a great structure, that's pure win.

Actually it was a bass player that claimed his bass parts were too boring to play.
Damn bassists don't know their place haha!