New LOG album leaked.

YES, I was hoping you were gonna say that, cuz that's what I've been saying for years :lol: (well, specifically that so many of their songs seem to be that 6/8 feel in the style of that song)
Ugghh, NOT a fan of Redneck, because, well, I don't like Rednecks :D ("this is a motherfucking invitation," how profound :Smug: )
They bore me too man. I gave the new one a chance because all my friends were jizzing over it. I must say there are some catchy parts but as a whole they put me to sleep today.

My buddies are all getting tickets to their show and I told them I'd go for Municipal Waste. Now THAT is a fun band. \m/

It's a pretty good album. There's more experimentation and cohesion, but at the same time the transitions don't really hold up to scrutiny, the production seems to consist of a bag full of Randy Blythe vocal stacking...which is cool, but it just sounds like they're trying to emulate what they did with Machine without Machine being there., but the mastering...come on. </End run-on sentence>

The deluxe edition came with the stems and I'm half tempted to remix and master it...but meh.
It's a pretty good album. There's more experimentation and cohesion, but at the same time the transitions don't really hold up to scrutiny, the production seems to consist of a bag full of Randy Blythe vocal stacking...which is cool, but it just sounds like they're trying to emulate what they did with Machine without Machine being there., but the mastering...come on. </End run-on sentence>

The deluxe edition came with the stems and I'm half tempted to remix and master it...but meh.

Fuck, you got stems in the US?
I really badly want stems for this. D: