New logo - Opinions?


somewhere nowhere
Jan 26, 2003
pittsburgh, pa
Visit site

They are selling this shirt here

According to the website, they'll be using this logo a lot more in the future.

What is everyone's opinion of it? Personally I think it kinda sucks. I mean it just does nothing for me, it looks a little better than a design I would see at Walmart.
I am not a big fan of this new Katatonia logo that they are showing on these new t-shirts. I much prefer their 2nd and even basic 3rd band logos (but I hated the 1st was way too "busy" looking and the pentagram didn't help any). Although as long as the new music is anywhere near the level of quality as TGCD and NITND were, then the logo switch would be an extremely petty/minor gripe on my part.
I don't like the band logo all that much but i dig the rest of the shirt even though it kinda looks like a bootleg.
The new logo reminds me of those Russian flexi disc bootlegs. Didn't they have a similar looking logo? Needless to say, I am not fond of the logo and hope the band will save it for (very) limited shirts.
I like it enough but it completely lacks in comparison to their last logo. They only used the Future font logo for 2 lps, use it once more. Simple is good. This is a bit overdone.

Born from Nothing would make an excellent title or at least a great track title.
I am not a big fan of this new Katatonia logo that they are showing on these new t-shirts. I much prefer their 2nd and even basic 3rd band logos (but I hated the 1st was way too "busy" looking and the pentagram didn't help any).

I don't think it is new logo, just limited edition crap. Second logo was REALLY great and it was in harmony with the music.

I think it should be on Brave Murder Day and Sounds of Decay instead that pentagram.