New M-Audio Interfaces - Fast Track C600 and C400


Axe Addicted
May 2, 2011
Hey guys first time starting a thread but long time follower, great forum, great people :)

I used the search function and I think nobody has mentioned this yet. M-Audio has launched some new interfaces... the C600 and C400

They look pretty nice (96khz recording, programable buttons, built in DSP, works with any DAW and comes with Pro Tools, etc). It's USB 2.0 and has some great features for the price.

I am in the market for a new interface and my bid was all in the focusrite saffire pro 24 DSP but this one (C600) for the same price has almost all the same features, plus Pro-Tools, 2 extra mic pres and some cool daw and monitoring controls on top...

any opinions? what do you recommend?

Hey, they look quite sexy but the USB threw me off as I just got a new firewire card. Anywho I had a look round and believe it or not they apparently still suck :)

I'd go for the Saffire pro 24 if I were you, or if you got a bit more dollar go for something a bit better, maybe a RME baby face or something.

"Anyways, I tested the c400 d/a conversion playing songs off my laptop and did NOT match up with the scarlett. To me, a noticeable difference in depth and space. The c400 inputs were a major downgrade from the fast track pro IMO reason being you could at least bypass its crappy pres. C400...nope!
And as far as the pres on the c400 I did notice a slight improvement from the fast track pro, but still got that brittle sound around the hie's, that I hated the fast track pro for. Thought the pres on the scarlett were much better. Also, once again, which absolutely plagued the fast track pro, you have to turn the gain on the pre damn near full blast to get a proper signal, and even still wont get a proper monitoring level. The focusrite did not have this problem.

Bottom Line...yep still a shit in the box!" -
m-audio interfaces are junk? I really like my Fast Track Ultra.. the pres don't seem great for some things though.

I'm not upgrading until USB3 interfaces start coming out though. not sure wtf is taking so long.
m-audio interfaces are junk? I really like my Fast Track Ultra.. the pres don't seem great for some things though.

I'm not upgrading until USB3 interfaces start coming out though. not sure wtf is taking so long.

Probably because Thunderbolt is faster and allows for the use of an adapter to use the Thunderbolt port with USB and FireWire devices.
are there thunderbolt interfaces out then? I've been waiting to upgrade for a long ass time, I need me some new gear!

edit: only Thunderbolt stuff out so far is Apogee, from what I can see, which is usually Mac only... I don't do mac.
Universal Audio has an interface as well but PC Thunderbolt support isn't out yet, and I don't want to be an early adopter of audio gear. thunderbolt isn't a good enough reason to skip USB3
are there thunderbolt interfaces out then? I've been waiting to upgrade for a long ass time, I need me some new gear!

The UA Apollo will have an expansion card for it later this year. Don't know of any others out yet, but I'm sure there will be more coming out soon, now that Universal Audio has adopted it.
thanks for your opinion guys :)
i don't even know if the saffire is compatible with my laptop firewire 400, but the main thing here for me is:

- Pro Tools compatible
- 2 extra XLR/line imputs than the saffire
- programmable controls and monitor selection at hands

- better quality pres
- VRM monitoring (can be useful)
- Firewire

They both have DSP effects and proper software which is cool...

GOD this decision is killing me... more opinions???
My focusrite Hi-Z input cannot handle a fucking electric guitar.

Keep that in mind...:rolleyes:
ohh almost forgot that one, thanks... yeah the electric guitar is my main instrument so I really need something that handles it well (passive and active pups) when it goes direct... of course i prefer to mic an amp and shit but that's not always possible :)
Dunno what's wrong with your guy's guitars, but the Hi-Z input on the Saffire range should easily handle an electric guitar...

Also - The Saffire will work just fine with Pro Tools 9 or 10, and also with FireWire 400.
The Saffire Pro 24 and DSP will have no problem with any guitars. Apparently the low end models (I think the 6, 14, and Scarletts) have some weirdass gain ranges that can't handle active pickups. Those M-Audio interfaces look like solid competitors to the Saffires, though. At the $400ish price point, it really doesn't matter which one you get; if you care about the Pro Tools thing, go for the M-Audio. Personally, I'd save up an extra $100 or look toward the used market for a Saffire 40. You'll want the extra inputs and pres later on.
Check Pro 24 specifications ( regarding to Hi-Z:
Instrument Inputs
• Frequency Response 20Hz-20KHz +/- 0.1dB
• Maximum Input Level min gain no pad +8dBu
• Maximum Input Level max gain no pad -42dBu
&#8226; THD+N, -1dBFS, min gain, no pad < 0.0015%
&#8226; SNR 105dB "A"
&#8226; DNR 105dB "A"
&#8226; Input Impedance > 1MOhm
&#8226; X-talk < -100dB
&#8226; Adjustable Gain > 50dB
&#8226; Pad Attenuation 10dB

But... where is Pad?!
No such button and no such settings for inputs 1-2 in drivers...
And +8 dbu is lower than maximum output of EMGs at 9 V, many passive humbucker or blackouts can have even greater output.
Pro 40, on other hand, have dedicated Pad button and can accept large levels.