New Mac Pro! sheer madness

2k GBP? Holy shit, no fucking way am I paying for that. Zero internal storage aside from the OS, no PCI slots without expansion bays, no FW without adapters? I'd be fine paying maybe $1800 MAX but let's be honest; I'd much rather pay $1400 for an insane Hackintosh with 4 internal drives.
no, absolutely agree, my first thought was what about Pro tools HD, that's the only thing i use a mac pro for at all, and without it, its just a power house, that can handle more work than i could possibly throw at it, yeah i think around 2k GBP just because of the price of current machines such as the 17" MBP and the mac mini, could be wrong, but i doubt it'll be under that
the design doesn't seem very 'Apple', i can't see that looking like anything else than a plastic trashcan under the table.

the specs do seem nice though, but that's not what makes me happy about it - instead, it's the fact that Apple is actually going to go through with this. it means they still want to segment products to professional users. for quite some time i've been fearing that they'd drop the pro-market entirely and focus on something like iwatches and whatnot.
Things a professional won't say:
- "ERRMAGEEEERRRD, the new Mac Pro look shitty, I am a 14 year-old and only want to impress the dudes with my stylish Apple computer (which I only use for Facebook of course), therefore the only criterium I have is the looks"

- "I want PC/Macs to always stick with the decade old tower design. We all know information technology lives from sticking to what's already there, not trying to develop new ideas and designs. That's how computers got so fast in the first place. I actually want back to the good old days when computers were as big as a freaking house and needed to be in a seperate building because they were about as loud as an airplane"

Reading comments on Gearslutz makes me want to shoot myself in the face with a fucking tank. FUCK.


I think it's very impressive, about time the old tower paradigma got thrown over by something new. It's incredibly powerful and finally a clever cooling system. I just hope they adjust the price.
Personally I'd prefer a silver brushed aluminium look but then again I don't give a shit how my studio PC looks. The Thunderbolt 2 system is way more flexible than the tower system, people will just take a few years to get it in their tiny tiny brains because it defies everything they know about computers.
Its probably uber expensive but it is tailored for businesses, not individuals.

It seems to me they grew some bigger balls than usual, and are trying to get some steps ahead the competition in next gen computers and opening a new breach or something, just like they did with smartphones, laptops (MacBook air), MP3 players etc. if it is successful, we will see in two years other PCs with pcie based SSD Storage, thunderbolt designs etc, and people will say "look, it's cheaper than the apple one, apple sucks" just like they do with laptops which look like a MacBook Pro.

Will not buy of course but I am very interested in seing how it goes. Especially because it means they definitely didn't forget the pro market.
Logic never has an announcement for new versions. You just wake up one day and need to spend $500 on a new suite that has 3 useless programs. :lol:

At least now you can get Logic for way cheaper on it's own through the app store...

I like where this Mac Pro is going. Love that they went somewhere different with a new cooling design. Our studio mac pro 8 core runs PTHD with PCI express, so this may be an option in the next year or two...